I have been very lax in keeping up with my blog---"almost" breaking my NY Resolution---but not quite. So much has been going on in my world----renovations to the master bath (AGAIN)--that has left a layer of fine dust on absolutely everything--even areas upstairs. Hopefully this will be a success but the work will continue since we have decided to redo all the baths. That means the workmen will be here at least into the early fall.....gotta save money first for each one and then proceed; it is the end of school for me and so LOTS of papers to read and grade; two grandchildren are graduating from school--one college, the other high school; and the AQS show with my and Diane's eighth yearly trip there. It might be a bit more complicated since my brother and his wife and kids are also visiting---making sleeping arrangements a bit more creative.
On the "Quilty Front"-----This is the completed "Mad About Plaid" quilt.
The back looks like a page from a book about birds. It is a perfect (I think) backing. When putting the strip strata together, some of the strips ended up a little wonky because the shirting's were so soft. I really liked that looks and so purposely made it wonky. This is going to my grandson. He wants to redo his bedroom and so this will be the fourth quilt (I made one for his bed at his Mom's house) I have made for him.
Next in line was a UFO Kit from a couple of years ago. It is made entirely of my hand dyes and so I plan to keep it. I got the pattern from a web surfing expedition and cut out all the fabrics, even made a chart. This is another "tedious" pattern. It is like losing your place while reading a book--if you do, you sometimes have to start over to get it right. I had to start over a couple of times even though I had been careful (I thought) to mark the strips. Once finished it will be turned differently so as is, you are looking at the quilt sideways. It is a Bargello---not sure if it is easier than the original pattern, not really even sure if I will like it, but I am moving ahead. I love the brightness of it! It looks so contemporary/modern.

The left side of one section and a border is finished and I am starting on the right side of that section. There are four sections (which make 2 sides) all together. From the lesson I learned with the first section, I am only putting three rows together at a time. I am also going to carefully mark the top. This will be a "sofa" quilt since I am changing the slip cover to a very light beige-grey and this should brighten it up. Don't know how I will quilt it ---"it" hasn't "spoken" to me clearly yet.
That is my update. I have to put my fun stuff aside, drink another cup of coffee and then read and grade some more papers. Do have a wonderful Sunday. At Guild meeting yesterday one of the members brought the most wonderful apple pie that was "store bought". In a little bit I am going to go and purchase one for our dinner dessert. Think I will take it out of the box and pretend I "made" it---LOL.
"Talk" to you later!!!!!