My daughter, and a friend decided to go to the sales that began at midnight, so they and the friends daughter headed to the Mall. Now mind you, my daughter hadn't really laid down to nap at all. They came back for me at 3:00 AM and we went out to join the crowds at Wally-World for the kids toys. We were in-line to get my granddaughter a lap top, the store only had 51 and we were 53 in line! So no computer, not at the same price anyway.
At any rate, my daughter lasted until about 3:00 PM but I shopped until about 6:00. We did find some good deals though, so good, we went back out on Saturday! Today I am resting up, quilting some on my quilt and generally trying to get ready for tomorrow! All in all, it was fun. This shopping adventure is something of a tradition with my daughter and I. I think however next year my daughter says if she goes out at midnight, she will try to get in a nap!
Posted are pictures of the quilt I am quilting. I am using the Panto "Spin" from Willow Leaf. It is really turning out nice---hopefully you can see the design in the pictures. At this point my tension is great (Gutterman serger thread) on both the back and front!!! I am using a pale yellow---it is becoming my favorite "neutral". Next I am going to start on pillowcases for my grandchildren who will be coming for Christmas!

Hope your holiday was a joyous one!
BTW----Love you Diane!!! The kids send hugs and kisses to "Aunt Di".