This young man and his wife is a mother's dream (not that my others are not). He is an artist (although with 2 Ph.D's he is a philosophy professor by day) and felt my "Mo Jo" had a better chance of returning if I were pampered so------
When I got off the plane he and his wife had made reservation for me to receive a massage!!!! Not just any old massage, but one with hot stones, warm towels, aromatic oils, birds singing and soft music. I woke myself up snoring a couple of times.
Then it was off to dinner--and a tour of a wonderful aromatic spice and tea shop. I did something unusual, spent money on something other than fabric.

We then had a big cup of yogurt and home to bed.

On Saturday I went to a wonderful African fabric shop, to walk the aisles and invite my creative muse back. My son waited in the car so long he went to sleep---but not once did he come in to get me or act upset that I took so long. 32 yards later....well we will see. Just to clarify, about 20 yards were for quilt backs. The other will end up hopefully in a masterpiece. My justification is the fact that it is hard to find authentic Africa fabric in middle Tennessee.
I checked into the hotel last night and went to sessions all day. So I am in my hotel room and will leave for dinner soon. I go back to my son on Wednesday and return to reality in TN on Saturday. For now I am trying really hard to relax and enjoy the moment.
Thanks again! I know I'm acting like a baby and whining, but I promise I will "get it together "