Yesterday my mother-in-law of 35 years left this life after 95 years! I always said I wanted to be like her "when I grew up". She still lived alone, was of very sharp mind---it was wonderful to hear her talk about the many changes that had occurred in her lifetime--and only stopped driving because "other people don't drive as well as they once did". One of her most recent joys was being able to vote for the first black President and to ensure that would happen, I registered her as an absentee voter and she voted early---"Just in case because I surely want my vote to count". She began school riding a horse and saw microwaves, cell phones, computers, color televisions, space travel, alternative fuel cars, to name just a few things she saw "invented". It was mind-bogging to me to imagine how much she had seen the world change---although she would say, "the more the world changes, the more it seems the same". She said she really wished sometimes she had been born in a different time because she wanted so much to get an education to "work in a bank" or be a "nurse", but I honestly don't think she could have made a bigger impact than she did "just as she was". The last time I talked with her, when I asked her how she was feeling, she laughed and said "now Baby, how do you think a 95 year old woman feels------tired!" and laughed her infectious laugh.
She will truly be missed, and definitely has left her "print" on this earth, but she more than deserves her rest!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday's Thoughts---
As I was reading other blogs, it came to me----I often don't blog because I either don't have pictures or I don't have anything "quilty" to say. It occurred to me as I was reading other blogs, that I really don't have to always talk about quilty things---after all this is my blog and the purpose of it is to allow me an opportunity to share things about quilting certainly, but that doesn't stop me from digressing a bit. I can talk about other things as well. Since I really don't know who is reading this or not, it kind of gives me a freedom that I really should learn to take advantage of. If someone stops reading and goes to another blog, I will never know, so there is no way I can get hurt or embarrassed.
I plan to do that now. I am feeling a bit burdened right now---Lane calls it "a smile turned upside down". Like him, I try to look at things positively, although I must confess I am often more of a pessimist. I have found that I often expect little of people so I am not disappointed.
I don't know what has brought on this current "down in the dumps"---well I know, but I don't want to say. I am just so tired--of being a lot to others, but not always getting anything in return. I guess that is why I love quilting---it is a hobby that allows me to be creative, and have some control over what happens. These days I don't seem to have much control over anything--I know I am not the "Long Ranger"---a lot of people are feeling the same way. I know that things could be so much worst and I am really thankful that they aren't that bad, but it would sure be nice to have things all neat in a row and not have to do so much thinking and negotiating. Okay--thanks for allowing me to have a "little pity party"---I promise that I will be so much better tomorrow!
Hugs and have a great evening!
I plan to do that now. I am feeling a bit burdened right now---Lane calls it "a smile turned upside down". Like him, I try to look at things positively, although I must confess I am often more of a pessimist. I have found that I often expect little of people so I am not disappointed.
I don't know what has brought on this current "down in the dumps"---well I know, but I don't want to say. I am just so tired--of being a lot to others, but not always getting anything in return. I guess that is why I love quilting---it is a hobby that allows me to be creative, and have some control over what happens. These days I don't seem to have much control over anything--I know I am not the "Long Ranger"---a lot of people are feeling the same way. I know that things could be so much worst and I am really thankful that they aren't that bad, but it would sure be nice to have things all neat in a row and not have to do so much thinking and negotiating. Okay--thanks for allowing me to have a "little pity party"---I promise that I will be so much better tomorrow!
Hugs and have a great evening!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Summer Is Definitely Here!!!!

It has been so very hot here in Middle TN. Today it is over 100 but it feels like it is 200!!!! I am complaining, but to be honest, I would much rather be hot than cold---so actually, I guess, this is my favorite time of year.
Well, what have I been up to! I finished a couple of quilts----one for my Granddaughter, Marissa. That is pictured above. I finished quilting it in bright green, and then put bright green piping. I think it has really added to the quilt. Rather than bright green fabric, I used green grosgrain ribbon! It was much easier and although I have the piping tool, it really can be done without it if you use ribbon. I think it turned out pretty good given it was my first one. I also finished a "Turning Twenty" baby quilt for one of the girls I work with at the hospital. It is for a little boy and I used blue/yellow and red 30's. I am going to pipe it in red ribbon.
Of course I have been doing some dyeing. I have nine yards washing now and I must say, it appears that the colors are great. I had posted earlier that I think I found the secret. The secret to bright colors is to not add a lot of water to the dye color formula. What I do is add just enough water to result in one cup (if dyeing 1 yard) or less depending on how much fabric you are dyeing. I squeeze it through completely and then let it batch overnight. The colors are so bright. Hopefully this really is the trick since I love the bright colors!
I purchased this really great scrap quilt book and saw this great quilt made from old plaid shirts. I am a real fan of Bonnie Hunter and the quilts she makes from scraps, although I have never used recycled clothing, so off to Goodwill I went. I purchased about 25 shirts, some for as low as .25 and have cut them up. It is amazing how much fabric you can salvage. Essentially, I only threw away the cuffs, and the collar (although I used it on some shirts). The picture above is of the pieces I salvaged. I think I need some light color ones and when I get time I will go back to the Goodwill to look for some. The quilt is great looking and it has definitely moved up on my "To Do" list. I have a couple of quilts I have to finish first.
Thanks so much for stopping by to spend a couple of minutes. Have a great remainder of the day and the week-end. "Talk" to you later!!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
I Have Been So Very LAZY!!!!!!

I have been checking in regularly, but it has been so very HOT here that I haven't had the energy to think about writing something. When I get home from work, I get all tired out just walking from the car to the house! Still, I would rather be hot than cold.
I have been doing some quilting of course. Finished quilting my bright square quilt, it is called Marissa's Quilt, since it is for my granddaughter Marissa. I also put a bright green piping on it---it really added some zing! I also finished a baby quilt for one of the girls at work. I used the "Yellow Brick Road" pattern in blue and yellow. Somewhere along the way, I either didn't cut out some of the blocks, or cut too many of one, so I had to add another FQ. I added a red, like the border and it is looking kinda nice (picture to follow).
I also did some dyeing. Above is the pictures of the results of my labor. I am so glad that I dyed some half yard pieces, since I love the colors! Aren't the color's vibrate!!!! I think I have discovered the secret! I am going to try again next week and see if it works again and then I will share it! I was just playing around and so really didn't dye as much as I wanted, nor in the colorways, but I do like the way these look--BTW, it looks like I need a new ironing board cover :-(
Well, just wanted to check in---thanks so much for being patient with me! I will try to do better! Have a great week!
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