Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's My Birthday!!!!

As a birthday gift, my youngest daughter took me to the Smoky Mountains for a couple of days to relax and rejuvenate at a really nice resort.  This was the view from the living room balcony.  I loved these tree's---they looked so graceful and wise.  It is winter so the grass is brown---but it looks like sand to me.

At any rate, I had a wonderful time!  I got a 50 minute massage---the masseuse had to wake me up and tell me "our time was over."  We shopped and ate at some great restaurants.  I did lots of walking, and enjoyed the time out even though it was cold and rainy.  I got lots of bargains and we spent time laughing and exploring.

The time away gave me an opportunity to really think and take stock.  I have reached an age that my mother didn't reach and one sister didn't.  I think I have accomplished a lot and realized some real successes although I rarely share them with others.  I have made a promise to myself to really try to enjoy life and to really worry less and to just "let it happen."  .  I am going to work really hard at being happy.  Now I know that happiness is a state of mine and is defined differently by everyone.  My happiness is really perhaps more like a peaceful state---I love peace!  That is what I am working toward.

On a less "heavy" note-----This will be the first Christmas in years that all five of our children will be home for Christmas.  This gives me something else to be thankful for.  I am so looking forward to all the laughter and "cutting up".  All the childhood adventures and tales that will be shared around the table.  Just thinking about it makes me smile!  I am busy making REAL napkins for our Christmas dinner.  That really sounds sorta weird, since our plates and eating utensils will be plastic (but it is "nice" plastic).  I am using my embroidery machine and they are turning out nicely.  I have completed ten and have ten more to make.  The grandbabies and I will also be making Christmas  ornaments  for the "kids" tree.  I have assembled everything and next week after the Guild Christmas Party we will begin.  I think I am more excited than they though---:)

I am so very thankful and feel especially "blessed and highly favored" when I look at my life.  I plan to enjoy it even more!   Happy birthday to ME!


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday to my bestest Sis!! You truly are a blessing to all that get to know you, whether you realize this or not. Sometimes getting in touch with our"inner peace" and just being happy with ourselves takes quite a while to obtain!
    Here's to many, many more birthdays and the fun we will have in between each!!! Hugs to you today and always,
    Your sis....

  2. Happy Birthday. Glad you had such a relaxing rest. I'm with you that peace is as good as happiness. Be well and enjoy! Lane


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