The next pieces are a result of following recipes and directions in "Color by Accident". The pictures were taken while the fabric was wet, so the colors will be slightly muted once the fabric is dried, but I really liked how they turned out. They are 1/2 yard pieces and I used old coffee cans (plastic ones) to dye them in. These will be nice in garments as well as in quilts. I took a vest class a while back from Rachel Clark and made a neat vest as a result---I think a couple of these fabrics would be nice in another vest like that. (I will have to post a picture of the vest at a later time).

On the quilt front, I am still working on the courthouse step quilt made from my dyes. I have 20 blocks done so I only need to complete 10 more. It is looking good!
Hope your day was as productive as mine. Hugs!