I can't believe that I haven't blogged in over a week--in fact almost 2 weeks. All I can say is that "life got in the way". I think though that things have settled down a little bit---at least I hope so.
So what have I been up to? Well, for a minute I thought spring was here. The temperature was in the high 70's, on some days in the 80's, so I got my muslin down and washed two bolts. I ended up with a sore arm from all the tearing I did to get it into FQ's, then when I was about to clean the Dyeing Studio (AKA the garage), it got cold again!!!! Bummer----it has been really chilly, near freezing, so there has been no dyeing! I believe that once this latest cold spell is done, it will be Spring, so I am ready (see the picture above---with still more left to fold). I am going to have to buy a couple of more bolts of muslin since I really do want to replenish my stash. I have some real plans this year and am going to be more deliberate in documenting the colors I get so I can do them again.
The hex quilt is coming along nicely (see picture above). I have almost half of it done. I am liking how it is turning out. I am going to make it extra long---maybe about 14 rows since most dorm beds are long twins. I really hope Grand baby likes it. I purchased some fabric for the border but am now thinking I might get a polka dot instead---or maybe use a polka dot for the back. I also have some cupcake fabric that would make a cute back as well. I will have to wait and see. I really don't try really hard to match my backs to the quilt. I really like fun backs and as long as it is loosely within the same color family I am okay with it.
I am also quilting the apple core. That is one big quilt!!! I couldn't figure out how to load it evenly on the frame, so I cut the top and bottom straight across. After I did that I thought I could have just floated the top and not had to cut it, but I did so I am not going to worry about it. Because of the scallops I really can't sew the sides down easily, but since I notice when I loaded it that there were some stretched out areas I am doing a tight meander. I had almost decided to use a panto, but decided against it. I am glad I followed my mind since I am able to "quilt out" the stretched areas flat. I am also using a plain white muslin back. The stitching shows up nicely on the back and when I wash it the crinkle will really be nice. The downside though is that I matched the thread so closely, that I can barely see it on the beige blocks. I can see fairly well on the blues, but I really have to look closely to not quilt over stitches. I really think I am going to leave the sides scalloped. It is looking pretty good.
Diane will be here next month for AQS and so I am making a mental list of what I would like us to do. We have so much fun together, this is sorta our time to relax and really have fun doing quilty stuff and discussing how we would handle things if we were in charge :c). She will be here for a week and I am going to have to be careful I don't over-plan. It is nice sometimes to just sit and sew and not always be on the go. One thing we will do a little different this year is go on a bus with one of the Guilds to the show on Saturday. I did that last year and really enjoyed it. It is nice to have someone else do the driving and just relax and enjoy the company of others. We will leave early in the morning on and not return until late. What fun!!!!!
Well, just wanted to check in. Didn't want you to think I was abandoning my blogging. Take care and we "talk" later!