I haven't posted in a week!!!!!! It hasn't been because I haven't been busy or checking in every day to read other's blogs---I have just been lazy! I am determined though to not let that become a habit---that is how you end up not being current with your blog and then before you know it you lose followers and then you stop blogging all together. I really like this process---so I am going to get it into gear.
Now for news---I have been dyeing of course. Last week my brights really weren't very bright. I think it was because I didn't use salt in the water and I put them out in the sun. Some dyers have good results without salt and the sun seems to set the fabrics. I ended up however with these light spots---like they had faded in the sun. As I thought about the process I used, it was probably because the entire fabric piece wasn't submersed in the solution and the part left sticking out was what was faded. I redyed those pieces and added salt and didn't put them out. They turned out much better. The picture above is of the ones I have ironed and the pieces left in my basket that still need ironing. I am going to dye more brights next week. The batch I redyed was in deeper jewel colors. BTW---the picture gives the impression that the basket is a regular size one, it really isn't, but a small one, almost minature. I haven't really been dyeing that much...:-)
I also have pictures of the quilts I have started and my goal is to finish these before I start another one.....the blue/neutral applecore; strip tube quilt; and the paintbox quilt. I figure if I post a picture and I can see first hand what I need to accomplish, I will stay on target. Of course I have found another quilt I want to make---but I can't keep starting all these quilts and never finish one. I think actually I am going to finish the "Peaches and Berry" first. I dyed more orange and plum for that one and actually I have quite a few blocks done, so maybe that finish will be my catalyst to complete the others.
I am also going to take that white binding off the quilt I showed a picture of. It looks "tacky" and because of that I haven't been able to force myself to even begin to sew the binding down. I will take it off tonight while watching TV and put on another one tomorrow, as well as finish binding the other quilt I finished. I only have about 3 more passes on the quilt I am quilting and then I will be finished with that and will not have any tops left that I need to quilt---so I am making some headway in that area.
It is going to be really hot today---a perfect dyeing day, but I worked yesterday and am pooped so I will stay in and finish some of my quilting chores. Have a great Sunday and we'll "talk" later!