Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Try Try Again!
I also put on two bindings----I am now debating whether I want to attempt to sew it on completely by machine, or do I want to tack down by hand---which I hate, but looks nice. We will see. I only have one more quilt to do, this one will be by machine since I am putting a faux piping on that one.
Pictures to follow tomorrow (of my "singing" fabrics).
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Oh well, back to the garage!
Dyeing Time is Here!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011
TA DA!!!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Current Work!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What's Up?
Not one single thing is up in my life!!!!! It is really hot here---but even though this is the perfect weather for it, I haven't dyed one thing! I just can't seem to get my energy up :c( My foot is still tender and although it is better, it isn't BETTER! Often this type of injury heals slower than actual breaks do, so I am not surprised. At least it isn't as swollen as before and my mobility is better.
This past Friday and yesterday was spent at the University (for orientation) about two cities over, where my Granddaughter will begin classes this Fall. The day began with all the parents (and grandparents) getting a walking tour of the campus. We started at the football stadium, which was about 145 degrees on the turf. I think I walked for about 52 miles during the day. My foot held up pretty well, but by the end of the day, it was actually numb! We made friends with a sister, grandmother and their student who gave us a ride to our car. Both my Granddaughter and I are "directionally challenged" so after driving around for about 15 minutes unable to find the parking lot where the car was parked, we were dropped off where we began the day and we walked to the lot. Still a long walk, but much closer than across campus. Yesterday we got a tour of the dorm she will be in (well not actually the dorm, but a mirror-image of hers). I must say that dorms have changed a lot since I was in school. There are full service cafeterias in many of them (not in hers but in the one across the street), washer/dryers on each floor (they are free), a full service kitchen on each floor and of course Internet access. Although there is a common bath, each of the showers have locking doors so it is like you have a private bath (in a way). There are NO curfews and the dorms are coed. Boy I remember Mrs. Collier our dorm mother in my freshman year, waiting at the door to make sure we had made curfew. I remember her checking your room and if it was messy, you got demerits, and boys in the room. When the cleaning guy came on the floor he would yell "man on the floor". Things have changed a lot, some for the good, but honestly, in a way, it would be nice to have some of those things come curfews. Kids leaving for school for the first time have a huge transition and sometimes, all this freedom make it difficult to make correct decisions. My little "honey bunny" is a smart little cookie. At this point she has made all the right decisions (it would seem) while still maintaining her innocence (it would seem) and having fun (clearly seen). I hope this trend continues. She began the process with a little apprehension but by the end of the two days she was feeling pretty good about going away to school. She registered for classes and got a great schedule (her earliest class is at 9:00 AM and her last class ends at 11:30 on Friday). It was cute to hear her try to compare college to high school, which of course we know you can't. She will be close enough to home to get to her in an emergency, but far enough so she feels like she is away from home. She could have been a commuter, but I really think living on campus is a great way to begin the process of learning to live in a greater community and expand your knowledge base. I am excited for her!
Now on the quilting front----I am working on my Guild Challenge. It is quilted and done and so now all I need to do is put on the binding. I sorta like it----I see lots of areas I would like to improve, but then I am always my worst critic. I can't post a picture since some of my Guild sisters read this blog and I want it to be a surprise. I don't think it will win anything, but it was fun completing it. It is due at the July meeting, so I will post a picture then.
I feel like starting something else, something that will be fast and fun to do, so I think I am going to get out my GO! and cut some circles for a circle quilt! My granddaughter doesn't know what her colors will be, so although I have completed her hex quilt, this one may be one she might also like. If not, since I think I will like it, I don't mind keeping it for myself.
Well, gotta fold some of the clothes on the pool table. My brother is coming for a visit next week and I want to give him the impression my house stays clean all the time :c)
Have a wonderful day!
Monday, June 6, 2011
No Energy!!!
I mentioned in my last post my mishap with the stairs at my GD's high school graduation. My foot is getting better, but the effort to come upstairs to post was too great, so I elected to just stay downstairs. It is still a bit swollen and it is still difficult to walk at times (especially if I have been sitting for awhile and it gets stiff), but it is so much better. I will be so very glad though when it is ALL better.
I am without my usual email. The company was giving us an upgrade (they said) because we were such good customers. Well in the process they wiped out our email, along with the contact list and any emails we hadn't read. I have never heard of a company not having a back-up system! When I discovered we were having trouble accessing, I called and found out, not only had they erased it, but there was no way they were going to be able to retrieve anything. Needless to say, I am looking for a new Internet company! I didn't know how much I depended on email---I had folders where I put "important" emails---all gone! My suggestion would be to call your Internet company and see if they have a back-up system so if something happens you can retrieve the contents of your email account.
On the quilting front, I have been hard at work on the Guild Challenge. I took a break Saturday and went to a Karen Combs workshop. If you ever get the chance you should try to go. It was such fun and she is a wonderful teacher. I love her dimension quilts but although I will not be able to make them as nice as hers, she really provided some good instruction making the process doable. I remember one "famous" person's class I attended. We had to bring TONS of fabric with us and pay about $30 for her pattern. I didn't learn one thing---she played with everyone's fabric for the morning, talked about herself for half of the afternoon showing her quilts, and then when I asked if we ever going to work on the quilt, she sat at a sewing machine and did about a third of a block herself. I NEVER learned how to make that very complicated (at least to me) quilt and came away really frustrated. Karen was not that way at all! She was informative and I came away with a new technique.
Well just wanted to check in! Am going to clean out the garage tomorrow and start dyeing! It is in the 90's here---perfect for dyeing. I can't wait to try some new techniques and colors!
Hugs and have a great day tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!