Sunday, June 19, 2011

Current Work!

I feel the need to finish something!!! There are so many quilts I want to start, but I seem to be unable to start something new without finishing something old--- BUT unable to finish anything!!! Clearly I am caught in a cycle here, so I have got to do something about it. You have seen this "Zig Zag" before. It is made from all my hand dyes that I haven't used. These are from my first attempt at dyeing and so for most of the colors I only have one FQ although I may have several shades. As a result, the quilt will truly be a scrap. I can't really match the colors, so some will just be in the same range. I really like it though---and am naming it "Waste Not, Want Not II", since I have a "WNWN I". I am going to force myself to work on nothing but this until it is finished. Too bad I like big quilts, since I think I probably need double what I have done. I am not being obsessive about the colors that I put together. Just look through my bins to find some like shades and cut them with the GO!. After I finish this one, then I am going to finish at least one more that I have pretty close to completion, and THEN and only then will I start another quilt. (right--famous last words, but I am really going to try to stick to this). I also need to put bindings on a couple of quilts I have already finished quilting, so maybe that will also address my "guilt" at starting something when I have something else that needs finishing).

I am also getting a bit down with blogging. I know people are reading it (I see the counts of people visiting), but because I don't get many comments, I wonder if this blog is interesting. Wish I could be like my "Blog Friend" Lane from "That Man Quilts" (see my sidebar). His posts are so interesting and funny---but I am trying to remember this really is a journal, so I guess it is okay. I am going to re-evaluate and may stop blogging for a while---maybe just post pictures---I don't know.

Anyway though, I am still blogging as of now---so thanks so much for stopping to read. Let me hear from you every now and then and let me know if you find what I post interesting...and if not, what you would like to read about.


1 comment:

  1. I've been blogging close to 7 years and have gotten lazy about commenting as my blog list has grown. I pop in to read at least once a month.

    I have no idea how to break your cycle...I am a slow worker who just aims to put stay in a regular rhythm of sewing and painting on cloth.


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