Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Almost Ready for Harvesting!

My "crops" are almost ready for harvesting!!!!!  I am so proud of myself!  I read somewhere that gardening is such an empowering hobby.  I also think that it is interesting that there is a large percentage of quilters that also garden.

I was up early this morning, watering, pulling and fertilizing the vegetables as well as the flowers.  It was nice and cool, although it is my understanding, it is going to be about 100 degrees today with a possibility of rain. No fireworks, much too dry---but I don't think the kids will mind.  We are going to grill, but not start until later.  I am going to use some of my spices I got while in DC---they smell wonderfully so lets hope it taste as well.

Well, I do want to quilt a little today.  Have a great and safe 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was there to sample the tomatoes...I miss moma's fresh ones. She always planted way too many plants and we'd have them all over the place! The fresh bell peppers look yummy too!
    Great work on the plantS!! See you do have a green thumb after all! LOL


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