The week has started off as a very productive one--even if I did have to work on Saturday!
On Sunday I got a telephone call from two of our sons (I have five adult children---three boys and two girls). They were both doing fine, as were their families. It is always good to hear from them, particularly when everything is going great!!!
On Sunday, I went shopping for some school clothes with my daughter for my grandson, her son. He is growing so fast that he seems to outgrow everything after only a few months. We got great sales---and I even managed to get myself a couple of sweaters. I normally don't buy a lot of clothes, preferring to spend my money on fabric (I know many of you can relate). As a result, I only buy on clearance--not sale. I was able to get two sweaters (one a Vera Wang) for 75% off!!!! It was a great!!! buy and will be great for work.

Then, today, I finished my other sock!!!! I didn't do as good a job on closing the toe--but since it had been forever since I had knitted anything---I think that for knitting with not two, but four needles, they turned out pretty good (see the picture--I still had my pj's on in the one). I am going to try to be patient and wait for the yarn I ordered to come---although I would really like to start another pair (for me) using the self-stripe yarn I have. The next pair will be for my grandson and husband.

AND, I finished quilting my latest quilt AND put the binding on!!!! It really turned out nice (at least I think so---). I am always amazed at the dimension quilting adds (see picture). The quilt was listed as a lap but honestly, it is really much larger. I followed the cutting dimensions, so I didn't add anything. The larger however the better for me. I don't make many small quilts, unless they are baby quilts. I make my quilts to be used and even if they are for wrapping up in when watching television, I really think a large quilt works better.

I also gave Coal a bath--see the picture--he acted like he was cold, so I covered him with a towel. He is so black and curly, that when he is sleeping (and he was) and you can't see his eyes, it is hard to distinguish his features. Such a sweet boy!
From the other blogs, I see many of you have experienced the snow storm. The storm here was very localized----an area about 20 miles from us got 4 inches of snow---we got absolutely none! It is cold, but very sunny!---and this week-end it is suppose to be 70 degrees!!!
I have noticed that almost 200 people have visited my blog. I really don't get many comments (in fact I think I have only gotten two), but it is nice to know people are visiting....from all over the world. I hope I am providing some information and at the very least, a respite from the ordinary. I know I enjoy reading others blogs and have gotten some great ideas from them.
Tomorrow, I plan to work on my Guild Challenge; bind at least one of the quilts I have waiting (I still don't know why I hate doing that); work a bit on the hexagon quilt; complete or at least begin at least one of the BOM; and of course clean a bit.
Have a great evening and happy quilting!