No school again today!!! It is really fine with me---the only downside is my house continues to remain "lived in" since my grandson is also home from school. Between frequent trips home to "warm up" and out again to play in the "fort", my entrance way stays wet and muddy. I am constantly wiping up---but have decided to just "let it be" for a while and stop "obsessing".
Yesterday I did nothing but knit! My favorite part of knitting socks is turning the heel. I think it is almost magical how short rows can result in that neat little cup where your heel will fit. My least favorite (besides the beginning) is picking up the stitches for the instep. Twice I had to "unknit"---once I had done it right the first time :-(---the second time I was "doing it wrong". The truly magical part is I was able to pick up the stitches and not drop one!!!!!! As I mentioned, because I am self-taught I often drop stitches and that means I have to start over since I don't know how to repair them. I was literally holding my breath as I picked them up (I used a crochet needle to help in hard places) and of course, that is when everyone wants to ask questions! Anyway---it worked and so know I am on to decreasing the instep stitches and will soon be on to the foot. I see several mistakes---but I am just going to forge on! The yarn is from Joanne's and has elastic in it so I think it will make for a good sock. The color changes aren't stripped but make for an interesting "fabric".

I also finished sewing down the binding and washed and dried the quilt. It didn't crinkle as much as I would have liked since I used a poly batting, but it looks pretty good. Normally I just dry my quilts a little and then lay them out to air dry, but with the snow---I am afraid someone/or some"dog", will walk all over my quilt and mess it up, since the only place large enough to dry my quilt is on the living room floor, which is right by the entrance/exit that is currently being used most---a quick avenue to the "fort". I used color-catchers and although I have lots of red with white muslin, not one piece ran---very good since I DO NOT prewash. It looks pretty good.
Also worked on the quilt made with my handdyes and have decided, when I start dyeing again I will dye at least 2 yard pieces. I am running out of the original colors since I only had FQ's, so I am probably going to have to introduce some more shades of the original. I think it still should work out okay since it is a "controlled" scrappy. I am not sure what I am going to do about the border yet---that bridge I will cross when I get to it.
Well, I am tired now of sewing and think I will watch a little "First 48". Hugs and have a great evening. I have to go to work tomorrow so I am going to "get my mind into the groove" by drinking a cup of spice tea.