I am posting early since tomorrow will be a busy day! As in keeping with tradition, I am working hard to clean the house and make sure I have no dirty laundry. Folk lore has it that if you begin the new year with your house in disarray and a stack full of dirty laundry, you will have the same throughout the coming year.
In addition, I am also planning to cook the traditional "good luck" dinner of blackeyed peas and rice; and greens. The greens to guarantee you will have "money" in the coming year, and the beans/rice for good luck. I have had this dinner for New Year's Day for as long as I can remember. I have considered phases of my life to indeed have lots of blessings, but I am still waiting for the monetary riches :-)
I wish you the most wonderful New Year you have ever had! It is my hope that you will spend the day in the warmth of love/friendship and that you look forward to the coming year with hopeful anticipation.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I have family visiting, including two grandchildren so the house is a "hive of activity". Our oldest son will be arriving on Friday, so I know I will not have a lot of time to blog. As a result, I am posting probably my last post of 2009.
In looking back on 2009 I think it has been a good quilting year! My quilting has been very productive---17 finished quilts! There are only 2 that need to be quilted and I will do that in the coming month. I have 8 projects that I am working on and will carry into 2010. A couple of them only need binding, but because there is something about the quilt I don't like, I am finding it hard to do that---weird huh! A couple of unfinished projects, both applique remain after years, but I am really rethinking my even finishing them. I may just move them off my list and pack them away in the re-thinking box.
My quilting has definitely progressed. I am much more comfortable with my longarm and am branching out into much more complicated panto's. I really would like to do more freehand stuff like I see so many others do, but at this time I am only comfortable with versions of meandering---feathers continue to elude me.
I am now dyeing my own fabric and loving it! My next task will be to use all that fabric I have dyed since I am really not a "solids" kinda girl---but I am seeing more opportunities to use solids and that will be my challenge next year---to use my own hand dyes in quilts I make.
Although I have been more productive, I really find quilting still an enjoyment! That is certainly a plus since often I read where you can develop a quilting "block" especially when you make so many. So far not for me!
My goals---
1) To use more of my hand dyes in my quilts.
2) To finish the two quilts that only need binding and if I still don't like them, to find a good home for them.
3) To work on my freehand work---especially feathers.
4) To submit a quilt for inclusion in a AQS show, even though I know it will not be chosen.
I have really enjoyed blogging and even though I don't get a lot of comments, I now have 18 Followers and if you look at the number of views, there are a lot of people who are stopping by to read. Thank you to each of you! It is such a rush to see that number increase! As I have often mentioned, quilting is a solitary hobby but at the same time, have the best participants. Thank you again ever so much and I wish each of you a Blessed, Wonderful and Productive New Year.
See you in 2010!
In looking back on 2009 I think it has been a good quilting year! My quilting has been very productive---17 finished quilts! There are only 2 that need to be quilted and I will do that in the coming month. I have 8 projects that I am working on and will carry into 2010. A couple of them only need binding, but because there is something about the quilt I don't like, I am finding it hard to do that---weird huh! A couple of unfinished projects, both applique remain after years, but I am really rethinking my even finishing them. I may just move them off my list and pack them away in the re-thinking box.
My quilting has definitely progressed. I am much more comfortable with my longarm and am branching out into much more complicated panto's. I really would like to do more freehand stuff like I see so many others do, but at this time I am only comfortable with versions of meandering---feathers continue to elude me.
I am now dyeing my own fabric and loving it! My next task will be to use all that fabric I have dyed since I am really not a "solids" kinda girl---but I am seeing more opportunities to use solids and that will be my challenge next year---to use my own hand dyes in quilts I make.
Although I have been more productive, I really find quilting still an enjoyment! That is certainly a plus since often I read where you can develop a quilting "block" especially when you make so many. So far not for me!
My goals---
1) To use more of my hand dyes in my quilts.
2) To finish the two quilts that only need binding and if I still don't like them, to find a good home for them.
3) To work on my freehand work---especially feathers.
4) To submit a quilt for inclusion in a AQS show, even though I know it will not be chosen.
I have really enjoyed blogging and even though I don't get a lot of comments, I now have 18 Followers and if you look at the number of views, there are a lot of people who are stopping by to read. Thank you to each of you! It is such a rush to see that number increase! As I have often mentioned, quilting is a solitary hobby but at the same time, have the best participants. Thank you again ever so much and I wish each of you a Blessed, Wonderful and Productive New Year.
See you in 2010!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
My blogger friend Kat posted this on her blog---see sidebar. I though it was perfect (at least for me)......
Twas the night before Christmas,
I'm glued to the tree.
I'm wondering what Santa
brought just for me..
Could it be fat quarters
or a pattern or lace?
Or a quilt kit, I said,
with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi Santa," I said
"You know....good little girls
should be in their beds ".
"I know I should Santa,
and now I've got caught.
But I was just so excited
to see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look
in this room where you work."
He shook his head quickly,
And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough stuff, I'll see you next year!"
author unknown
Thank you so much for stopping by to read my little blog!!!! It is so nice to see that there are others who are as interested as I in the wonderful art of quilting.
May tomorrow be a blessed one for you filled with loving friends and family, lots of belly-shaking laughter and the true joy of this holy season!!!!
Twas the night before Christmas,
I'm glued to the tree.
I'm wondering what Santa
brought just for me..
Could it be fat quarters
or a pattern or lace?
Or a quilt kit, I said,
with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi Santa," I said
"You know....good little girls
should be in their beds ".
"I know I should Santa,
and now I've got caught.
But I was just so excited
to see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look
in this room where you work."
He shook his head quickly,
And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough stuff, I'll see you next year!"
author unknown
Thank you so much for stopping by to read my little blog!!!! It is so nice to see that there are others who are as interested as I in the wonderful art of quilting.
May tomorrow be a blessed one for you filled with loving friends and family, lots of belly-shaking laughter and the true joy of this holy season!!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Is Almost Here!!!
My son and his family have arrived and the house is awash with the laughter and non-stop activity of little ones. I love it!!! The kids seem to be having great fun with each other and I am certainly enjoying my son and his sweet wife. The good news is I thought they were only going to stay until Sunday, but they are staying until after the New Year! This year they have had some real challenges, especially with his health, and so they will get a chance to really relax and hopefully rejuvenate themselves.
The First Annual Yo-Yo Christmas Party was a suggest. We exchanged "12 Days of Christmas Bags. They included:
1 Tote (made of course)
2 favorite notions
3 Christmas patterns
4 spools of thread
5 Fat Quarters
6 inch ruler
7 pieces of candy
8 inch scissors
9 feet of ribbon
10 sewing needles
11 sewing tips
12 inch block
I got Trish's bag! Isn't it beautiful---but I have to tell you, I would have enjoyed any of the bags. We are going to do it again at Easter. New Year's Day will find us at a "sew in". Too much fun!

My Go! dies also arrived. I think now I have all the ones that I will need, at least for now. I am participating in a Christmas Mystery and cut out all the required pieces using the Go! I love it!

Well, gotta go---I am baking cookies!
The First Annual Yo-Yo Christmas Party was a suggest. We exchanged "12 Days of Christmas Bags. They included:
1 Tote (made of course)
2 favorite notions
3 Christmas patterns
4 spools of thread
5 Fat Quarters
6 inch ruler
7 pieces of candy
8 inch scissors
9 feet of ribbon
10 sewing needles
11 sewing tips
12 inch block
I got Trish's bag! Isn't it beautiful---but I have to tell you, I would have enjoyed any of the bags. We are going to do it again at Easter. New Year's Day will find us at a "sew in". Too much fun!

My Go! dies also arrived. I think now I have all the ones that I will need, at least for now. I am participating in a Christmas Mystery and cut out all the required pieces using the Go! I love it!

Well, gotta go---I am baking cookies!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Purchases (for me)!!
My husband and I have been married such a long time, that the effort to surprise each other at Christmas isn't important. It is more important (if we get each other a gift) is to try to get something we like and will use. For me, that is easy---anything to do with quilting. To ensure we get the right thing, at least one of the gifts is chosen by the recipient. Last year I chose the Accuquilt GO! I have really enjoyed it and with every special occasion, will get more dies. That was what I did this year. When they come (tomorrow) I will have all of them except the applique ones (I DON'T applique); the chisel (seemed useless for the type of quilting I do); the rag quilt die (If I got it I would probably only make one); and the 1.5 and 2 inch stripper. I really like this tool---it has saved me numerous hours of tedious cutting. There was free shipping so since I ordered so many I actually got one free. What a deal :-)
I also ordered some panto's. I was reading Millie's Blog (on my sidebar) and she had pictures of quilts she had quilted and the panto used. They were absolutely beautiful. Since I am a new longarmer, I don't have a lot of panto's and always have a difficult time choosing, so I purchased all the one's Millie had used on her quilts. The place I found them (Sew Thankful) was an on-line store and each one was on sale --- so not only did I get some really beautiful panto's but saved money as well.

I also ordered some panto's. I was reading Millie's Blog (on my sidebar) and she had pictures of quilts she had quilted and the panto used. They were absolutely beautiful. Since I am a new longarmer, I don't have a lot of panto's and always have a difficult time choosing, so I purchased all the one's Millie had used on her quilts. The place I found them (Sew Thankful) was an on-line store and each one was on sale --- so not only did I get some really beautiful panto's but saved money as well.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Plugging Along------

That's what I am doing with Carolina Christmas. I got so tired of just doing the "parts" so I skipped ahead and started making blocks. When I do that it helps me to realize I am getting somewhere. This quilt will have 100 blocks! The most in any quilt I have made so far. It is though going to be a awesome quilt. Since it is so scrappy though with so many blocks, I am glad my background and light fabrics are similar. That should make my stars and poinsettia's stand out more---anyway, we shall see. I don't know if I will make the pieced border though, I am holding on my final decision until I see it.

Oh another subject, I don't know about you, but I am into comfort as I age. I use to walk around the house in my blue jeans, but anymore, they are so uncomfortable. I would rather be in my pajamas. I have been wearing guys flannel plaid bottoms during the winter---my DH keeps our heat turned low to conserve on energy. That is great, but I am a cold natured girl, so I am almost always cold. When I went shopping for Christmas, I saw some really cute flannel bottoms for a really good price $7. This is a picture of my latest ones with a read fleece top. There were two ladies that were absolutely laughing hysterically about these bottoms. I felt kinda weird, since I thought they were cute! I bought them anyway---I figure no one is going to come to my house and laugh at my bottoms---if they do---they can leave! I also got some cheetah ones, some polka-dot ones, some with little dogs on them and some with Christmas sayings (those I will wear on Christmas Day). My grandchildren smile and think I am odd I know, but I kinda like that :-)
Well, gotta go back to quilting!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Another Birthday!
Today is our middle son's birthday!!! I can't believe that he is now 40!!! Wow, he is almost MY age!!! I remember when he was born---he was suppose to be born on St. Valentine's Day but got really impatient! He remains that way to this day! He weighed 3 pounds 8 ounces and except for his weight, he was perfect. I believe he was born smiling---and still does to this day!!! He walked at 9 months---or rather ran at 9 months and was one busy little boy. He is in the middle of retraining for another profession as a result of the economy (he was in construction) and is doing a great job. It is clear, that as soon as he graduates he will be "out of the gate" just like he was as a little one!!! Happy Birthday Sean!!!!!
Now for what else is "happening". I went to my Guild's Christmas Party and it was great fun to get out. Even though I arrived with a headache, it was soon gone. A group of us have formed a informal-formal group called the "Yo-Yo's". We on the surface have little in common (although one Yo-Yo and I share the same name--Patricia), but when we get together we laugh and have a good time and find then that we are more alike than different. Anyway, one of the Yo-Yo's was my Secret Sister!!! I had suspected originally, but then discounted it. She treated me as a "favorite" sister all year!!! I sure hope my new "sis" treats me as well---and my Secret Sister even gave me a gift!!!! Such fun!!!
I have put the Carolina Christmas Badge on the blog with a link to the pattern in case anyone wants to join in. I have slowed down a bit since it is finals time at school and I have to work to get my grades completed and submitted before the end of the week. This quilt is not for the faint hearted, and you have to LOVE scrappy! I suppose you could however make it more controlled, but to me, the scrappier the better! I am glad though that I chose to have my background more controlled and use one yellow, because the design could easily be lost if you didn't think about your colors. At any rate, it fits my bill---big and scrappy!
Well, gotta go work on grades some more. I have to take a break every now and then---and my break is over!
Now for what else is "happening". I went to my Guild's Christmas Party and it was great fun to get out. Even though I arrived with a headache, it was soon gone. A group of us have formed a informal-formal group called the "Yo-Yo's". We on the surface have little in common (although one Yo-Yo and I share the same name--Patricia), but when we get together we laugh and have a good time and find then that we are more alike than different. Anyway, one of the Yo-Yo's was my Secret Sister!!! I had suspected originally, but then discounted it. She treated me as a "favorite" sister all year!!! I sure hope my new "sis" treats me as well---and my Secret Sister even gave me a gift!!!! Such fun!!!
I have put the Carolina Christmas Badge on the blog with a link to the pattern in case anyone wants to join in. I have slowed down a bit since it is finals time at school and I have to work to get my grades completed and submitted before the end of the week. This quilt is not for the faint hearted, and you have to LOVE scrappy! I suppose you could however make it more controlled, but to me, the scrappier the better! I am glad though that I chose to have my background more controlled and use one yellow, because the design could easily be lost if you didn't think about your colors. At any rate, it fits my bill---big and scrappy!
Well, gotta go work on grades some more. I have to take a break every now and then---and my break is over!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Under the Weather!
It seems almost like after my birthday I started to "fall apart". I have been sick every since that day---first I had some GI "Issues", then when those cleared up, I developed a bad cold! It isn't the flu but it sure makes me feel bad. I spent all of yesterday in bed and decided to work at home today. I give my final tomorrow, so I really need to be feeling better. I do feel better than yesterday--so the rest did me some good. My DH seems to think I am just "rest broken"---he could be right.
Now, although I haven't been feeling well, I have still be quilting (of course). I am really into family tradition....Every year we get "Christmas pj's" and this year I am giving each of the grandbabies a pillowcase. I found the cuties fabric at JoAnne's for 75% off. I should have gotten the entire bolt but for once I was frugal---the fabric says "family tradition; families"---perfect! The cases turned out really nice, don't you think.

I am still plugging along on the Bonnie Mystery!

I have downloaded all the clues thus far and think I am going to skip ahead and make some of the blocks with the "pieces" I have. I don't know about you, I get really discouraged sometimes just making pieces of blocks. Making a couple of blocks sorta encourages me and I can go back to making the pieces. I have almost 100 pieces of blocks to make yet. I also have a bunch of 2.5 squares to cut---like 500 or something! I am so glad I have a GO! cutter. It is saving me bunches of time.
My Guild is having their Christmas Party tonight---this is also when the identity of your "Secret Sister" is revealed. I am going to rest today because I really do want to go. I am all prepared!!! I hope my "Sis" isn't disappointed it is me :-)
Now, although I haven't been feeling well, I have still be quilting (of course). I am really into family tradition....Every year we get "Christmas pj's" and this year I am giving each of the grandbabies a pillowcase. I found the cuties fabric at JoAnne's for 75% off. I should have gotten the entire bolt but for once I was frugal---the fabric says "family tradition; families"---perfect! The cases turned out really nice, don't you think.

I am still plugging along on the Bonnie Mystery!

I have downloaded all the clues thus far and think I am going to skip ahead and make some of the blocks with the "pieces" I have. I don't know about you, I get really discouraged sometimes just making pieces of blocks. Making a couple of blocks sorta encourages me and I can go back to making the pieces. I have almost 100 pieces of blocks to make yet. I also have a bunch of 2.5 squares to cut---like 500 or something! I am so glad I have a GO! cutter. It is saving me bunches of time.
My Guild is having their Christmas Party tonight---this is also when the identity of your "Secret Sister" is revealed. I am going to rest today because I really do want to go. I am all prepared!!! I hope my "Sis" isn't disappointed it is me :-)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Happy Birthday!
I have had a quiet birthday today! I taught my last class of the semester and then came home. The weather is awful---wet and cold! The perfect day to sit and sew on a binding---which I did. I've gotten lots of well wishes from friends, so all in all, I think it has been a good day.
I don't know what's up with Blogger. For some reason my "Followers" are not showing. I don't know how to fix it so I will just hope it will come back. If you are a "follower" and you notice you aren't listed, I didn't do it---just keep "following". It is so nice to see that people are interested enough to list their names, it is sorta "lonely" to not see those pictures up there :-)
Just wanted to check in. I am busy working on the Bonnie Quilt, but have just finished the 104 blocks of Step 2. I will start on Step 3---another over 100 blocks--whew!!!
I don't know what's up with Blogger. For some reason my "Followers" are not showing. I don't know how to fix it so I will just hope it will come back. If you are a "follower" and you notice you aren't listed, I didn't do it---just keep "following". It is so nice to see that people are interested enough to list their names, it is sorta "lonely" to not see those pictures up there :-)
Just wanted to check in. I am busy working on the Bonnie Quilt, but have just finished the 104 blocks of Step 2. I will start on Step 3---another over 100 blocks--whew!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Mess!

I don't know about you, but I can't seem to "create" in a space that isn't a mess!!! This is what my quilting area looks like as I am creating a quilt based on Carolina Christmas---the Bonnie Mystery. I didn't get to really work on it much this week-end, but after I clean a bit today, I am going to get back to it. I am also going to participate in the Christmas Mystery with another web group, so yet another quilt will be started. When I look at the quilts I have finished however, I haven't done so bad. I am averaging over 1 quilt per month---pretty good huh!?! I am also only using fabric from my stash, so I am doing pretty good at "stashbusting". Although fabric is being added, the majority are FQ's that I have received from my "Secret Sis", or yardage I will use for backing---so all in all, this hasn't been a bad year for quilting.
Hope today will be a wonderful one for you. My grandson is home from school sick so I anticipate I will be pretty busy!
Tomorrow is my birthday!!! It will be celebrated quietly (as usual) which is usually how it is with us December birthdays. It is okay with me, I am just so thankful for celebrating another. Getting older use to be a bit of a challenge for me because each birthday meant that I had less time to do what I wanted. As I have gotten older however I don't feel that way anymore since I believe now that age has absolutely nothing to do with accomplishing goals. Plus, the alternative to getting old is dying young---me I want to be get to a stage of VERY old---like my MIL who is almost 94 and living along, having a wonderful time!!!
Hugs to all!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Another Start!!!
I know, I know---I have a list of quilts I need to complete on my sidebar---a couple now "years" old. A few only need a binding and then they will be done.....so why am I starting a new quilt. Cause I am "grown" and can make that decision :-)
I really love Bonnie Hunter Quilts. They are always BIG and are scrappy--both my favorite things. I have often said however that they also have LOTS of pieces, but isn't that what quilts should have (I guess). At any rate, I really haven't ever seen a quilt of hers I haven't liked---.
She is doing another mystery----(which I also love)--called Carolina Christmas. I started it and am already almost done with Step 2---which will result in 104 blocks!!!!!! I am using the same colors as her--green, red and yellow (one constant) with a scrappy background. My reds though range from red to pink and my greens from dark green to a pea green. I found I also have the same ruler as she is using---although I really don't remember buying it---I LOVE rulers and templates---just ask Diane. At any rate I am off to the races! I will post a picture of what my sewing room looks like. I cut way too many green 2.5 inch strips (I used my GO!) but I am sure I will find a use for them. I have decided however that I am going to need to replenish my green stash. It isn't my favorite color, or it once wasn't, but I am finding I am using it more.
Hope all is going well with you all. I was a bit "under the weather" and still don't feel real perky, but hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Pictures to follow!!!!!
I really love Bonnie Hunter Quilts. They are always BIG and are scrappy--both my favorite things. I have often said however that they also have LOTS of pieces, but isn't that what quilts should have (I guess). At any rate, I really haven't ever seen a quilt of hers I haven't liked---.
She is doing another mystery----(which I also love)--called Carolina Christmas. I started it and am already almost done with Step 2---which will result in 104 blocks!!!!!! I am using the same colors as her--green, red and yellow (one constant) with a scrappy background. My reds though range from red to pink and my greens from dark green to a pea green. I found I also have the same ruler as she is using---although I really don't remember buying it---I LOVE rulers and templates---just ask Diane. At any rate I am off to the races! I will post a picture of what my sewing room looks like. I cut way too many green 2.5 inch strips (I used my GO!) but I am sure I will find a use for them. I have decided however that I am going to need to replenish my green stash. It isn't my favorite color, or it once wasn't, but I am finding I am using it more.
Hope all is going well with you all. I was a bit "under the weather" and still don't feel real perky, but hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Pictures to follow!!!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I got home from work on Thanksgiving day at around 8:00 PM and the family had already eaten as instructed. They remarked all the food was good so maybe I'll do the same thing at Christmas -- prepare the day before and pop it in the oven on Christmas Day.
My daughter, and a friend decided to go to the sales that began at midnight, so they and the friends daughter headed to the Mall. Now mind you, my daughter hadn't really laid down to nap at all. They came back for me at 3:00 AM and we went out to join the crowds at Wally-World for the kids toys. We were in-line to get my granddaughter a lap top, the store only had 51 and we were 53 in line! So no computer, not at the same price anyway.
At any rate, my daughter lasted until about 3:00 PM but I shopped until about 6:00. We did find some good deals though, so good, we went back out on Saturday! Today I am resting up, quilting some on my quilt and generally trying to get ready for tomorrow! All in all, it was fun. This shopping adventure is something of a tradition with my daughter and I. I think however next year my daughter says if she goes out at midnight, she will try to get in a nap!
Posted are pictures of the quilt I am quilting. I am using the Panto "Spin" from Willow Leaf. It is really turning out nice---hopefully you can see the design in the pictures. At this point my tension is great (Gutterman serger thread) on both the back and front!!! I am using a pale yellow---it is becoming my favorite "neutral". Next I am going to start on pillowcases for my grandchildren who will be coming for Christmas!

Hope your holiday was a joyous one!
BTW----Love you Diane!!! The kids send hugs and kisses to "Aunt Di".
My daughter, and a friend decided to go to the sales that began at midnight, so they and the friends daughter headed to the Mall. Now mind you, my daughter hadn't really laid down to nap at all. They came back for me at 3:00 AM and we went out to join the crowds at Wally-World for the kids toys. We were in-line to get my granddaughter a lap top, the store only had 51 and we were 53 in line! So no computer, not at the same price anyway.
At any rate, my daughter lasted until about 3:00 PM but I shopped until about 6:00. We did find some good deals though, so good, we went back out on Saturday! Today I am resting up, quilting some on my quilt and generally trying to get ready for tomorrow! All in all, it was fun. This shopping adventure is something of a tradition with my daughter and I. I think however next year my daughter says if she goes out at midnight, she will try to get in a nap!
Posted are pictures of the quilt I am quilting. I am using the Panto "Spin" from Willow Leaf. It is really turning out nice---hopefully you can see the design in the pictures. At this point my tension is great (Gutterman serger thread) on both the back and front!!! I am using a pale yellow---it is becoming my favorite "neutral". Next I am going to start on pillowcases for my grandchildren who will be coming for Christmas!

Hope your holiday was a joyous one!
BTW----Love you Diane!!! The kids send hugs and kisses to "Aunt Di".
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Off to Work!
I only work at the hospital two days a month, but my contract says I must work one of the major holidays---Thanksgiving is my holiday this year---so I am up and getting ready to head to work.
Yesterday I put my holiday meal together--so the mac/cheese; and dressing are in the fridge ready to pop into the oven. My cranberry sauce is made and my greens are also ready, needing to only be put back on the crock pot and heated up. The dinner rolls are frozen this year, since I have to work and the pie was purchased. I have put directions for everything on the fridge door for my daughter and DH to follow and they have instructions to eat without me since I will not be getting home until around 8 PM (I work a 12-hour shift). Oh yea, and the turkey is cooking in the roaster and looks (and smells) pretty good!--it should be ready by noon.
I have so much to be grateful for this year (as with every year). All 5 of our children are well and doing pretty good (even with the economy); our 6 grandbabies are absolutely wonderful and growing into wonderful individuals that I not only love but really like; my DH and I are also well and even though our budget can be a bit tight at times---like now (my honey is retired), I am still able to continue my very expensive hobby--quilting--without too much difficulty. The other members of our family are doing well too. I wish the world were a safer place and there weren't families who were stressed, worried and in some cases in crisis, but I feel that our country is headed in the right direction--and I know things will not be solved overnight, but at least it appears that our leaders are being thoughtful about the process. I am hopeful and prayerful and am just so thankful I am who I am, I live where I do, and I have family and friends!!!
Have a blessed day filled with good food, great friends and family and LOTS and LOTS of laughs! Think of me at work :-(
Yesterday I put my holiday meal together--so the mac/cheese; and dressing are in the fridge ready to pop into the oven. My cranberry sauce is made and my greens are also ready, needing to only be put back on the crock pot and heated up. The dinner rolls are frozen this year, since I have to work and the pie was purchased. I have put directions for everything on the fridge door for my daughter and DH to follow and they have instructions to eat without me since I will not be getting home until around 8 PM (I work a 12-hour shift). Oh yea, and the turkey is cooking in the roaster and looks (and smells) pretty good!--it should be ready by noon.
I have so much to be grateful for this year (as with every year). All 5 of our children are well and doing pretty good (even with the economy); our 6 grandbabies are absolutely wonderful and growing into wonderful individuals that I not only love but really like; my DH and I are also well and even though our budget can be a bit tight at times---like now (my honey is retired), I am still able to continue my very expensive hobby--quilting--without too much difficulty. The other members of our family are doing well too. I wish the world were a safer place and there weren't families who were stressed, worried and in some cases in crisis, but I feel that our country is headed in the right direction--and I know things will not be solved overnight, but at least it appears that our leaders are being thoughtful about the process. I am hopeful and prayerful and am just so thankful I am who I am, I live where I do, and I have family and friends!!!
Have a blessed day filled with good food, great friends and family and LOTS and LOTS of laughs! Think of me at work :-(
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tis the Season

Our second son was born on December 15th. My birthday is December 8 and I know what it is like to not really have a birthday party because your birthday is in December. It never seemed fair to me, even as a little girl, since it wasn't my fault that I was born in December. Our son's birthday is even closer to Christmas but we always tried to make sure he had a "real" birthday celebration. Part of that celebration was putting up the Christmas tree.
My Grandson decided yesterday we needed to get into the Christmas spirit (it could have been related to the fact that he wants a special Christmas present and figured if we had the "spirit" we would be likely to tell Santa the importance of this gift). At any rate, he put on Christmas music and talked his Poppi into putting up the tree. Now normally I want to at least wait until Thanksgiving but with Grandchildren, we throw all tradition out the window.
We therefore, put up the tree, although I am holding out opening the binds and "officially" showing the tree until Thanksgiving night. I have to admit though that it has put me in more of a "mood". It was fun looking at the ornaments that my children had made when they were younger than my grandson (yes, I still have them---all except the one made out of macaroni). It is loaded with ornaments which for me makes it perfect!!! My son however, is a bit "put out"---he wants to know why we aren't following tradition and putting it up on his birthday! Since he will be 40, I am a bit bewildered, but hopefully he will forgive me, since we will still have a celebration, just not with a tree!
Saturday, November 21, 2009

It seems like it has been forever since I have posted! It isn't that I haven't thought about it or checked for comments---it is just that my life has been rather dull! Nothing new to post about and when I had something I thought would be of interest, I didn't have a picture :-(
I have however been quilting away! I have actually finished quilting three quilts and am currently doing what I hate the most---sewing down binding.
I also went to a Guild Mystery Retreat and had the best time. I am posting the resulting quilt. I (of course) increased the size from 70 square inches to 86 square inches by adding another border. The quilt was designed by one of my Guild Sisters (Trish). We were told in preparation to cut 25 green 3.5 inch squares. When we got there she divided them up among everyone---so each quilt has a bit of each of us in it---hence the quilt name--"Tree of Friendship". She did a really good job! The picture really doesn't do the quilt justice. We sewed all day on last Saturday, had a yummy lunch of 4 different soups, got door prizes AND chocolate, and had a generally good time. I don't know about you, but quilting is such a solitary hobby, it is really nice to get together with others. Trish and Lindee were the organizers (this is actually the second year for it) but they say it is going to be the responsibility of someone to plan it next year. That person(s) will have a lot to live up to.
I am going to load my quilt up and quilt it in time (I hope) for the Guild Christmas Party the second Monday of next month. Hopefully I will have it done by then---probably not the binding, but at least in a state to Show-n'-Tell.
I am back on target now so hopefully will have something interesting to post about. Hope your week-end is going great!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I took Judy's challenge over at Patchwork Times and joined Soctoberfest. The challenge was to finish a knitting project during the month of October. I took the challenge and did finish a pair of socks. Unfortunately, one sock fit me and the other fit my 9 year old grandson. Don't ask me what happened!!! I "thought" I was knitting the same number of rows, etc. but something happened! I don't know whether I should count it or not? I did start another pair thinking I would finish at least one---no such luck! Oh well, I guess it was the attempt that counted.
Hope all is well with you. I am have ordered some new dying equipment and even though it is getting cooler, I am going to try them once they get here! I am excited! AND really spending out of my budget. That is the last thing I am going to buy for myself! The holidays are approaching and I have GOT to not be so selfish!
Gotta go and finish my block for the BOM meeting. If I finish it I get this months for free!
Have a wonderful day----don't forget to set the clocks back!
Hope all is well with you. I am have ordered some new dying equipment and even though it is getting cooler, I am going to try them once they get here! I am excited! AND really spending out of my budget. That is the last thing I am going to buy for myself! The holidays are approaching and I have GOT to not be so selfish!
Gotta go and finish my block for the BOM meeting. If I finish it I get this months for free!
Have a wonderful day----don't forget to set the clocks back!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Things are nice and quiet around here. I am on Fall Break yesterday and today and tried really hard to relax. I really think I succeeded :-) My darling little grandson was walking pass me and I noticed his knees showing when they shouldn't have---he had gigantic holes in the knee of his pajamers--so what does a good Mai do? Well she makes him some new ones of course. I dragged out my serger and dusted it off and made him not one, not two, but THREE pajamer bottoms. Joanne's had flannel on sale and I made him all three pair for a little over $4 a pair! It was really nice to sew clothing.
I had Guild last night and got some great "brights" from my secret sis. I feel another quilt coming on! I have already cut out a tumbler quilt with my GO! from
30's scraps so I am going to finish that one first!
I have also finished "Christmas Lights" the mystery by Bonnie Hunter that was in installments in the Quiltmaker Mag. It is really a pretty quilt! I am now in the process of quilting it---I chose a really complicated panto I purchased from the Electric Company. I really sorta wish I hadn't been so ambitions, but I am pushing on. The tension (of course) played havoc for the first couple of passes, but I think I have that solved now. Since the backing is busy, it doesn't look too bad. I will post a picture as soon as I am finished!
I am going to spend the rest of the evening knitting---October is almost done and my goal was to finish this pair of socks!
Have a great evening!
I had Guild last night and got some great "brights" from my secret sis. I feel another quilt coming on! I have already cut out a tumbler quilt with my GO! from
30's scraps so I am going to finish that one first!
I have also finished "Christmas Lights" the mystery by Bonnie Hunter that was in installments in the Quiltmaker Mag. It is really a pretty quilt! I am now in the process of quilting it---I chose a really complicated panto I purchased from the Electric Company. I really sorta wish I hadn't been so ambitions, but I am pushing on. The tension (of course) played havoc for the first couple of passes, but I think I have that solved now. Since the backing is busy, it doesn't look too bad. I will post a picture as soon as I am finished!
I am going to spend the rest of the evening knitting---October is almost done and my goal was to finish this pair of socks!
Have a great evening!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Quilt!

As I might have mentioned, my sweet nephew and his wife were visitng. He shared with us that he is now a "Grandfather"---wow, I can't imagine that! At any rate, that makes me a "Great Aunt"! That calls for a quilt!
Yesterday I cut fabric for a simple "Turning Twenty" baby quilt, not the usual "cute" quilt for a baby. It only called for 9 fat quarters. I used my own handdyes and put together a pretty cute quilt --- at least I think so. The baby is a boy and the quilt looks really "modern" and contemporary, perfect for a boy. I used black and white check with an occasional bright square for the binding and pale baby blue minkee for the back (the only "traditional" aspect of this quilt). My machine (Harriet) acted fantastic, and the minkee quilted up wonderfully. The tension was absolutely wonderful----Gutterman serger thread--thank you! I quilted it in a bright turquoise, adding to the modern feel. I think I am going to make a full size quilt using the same pattern and my handdyes.
What do you think?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
What Have I Been Up To?
Although I haven't been posting, I have been really busy! My nephew and his wife were here to visit. I ALWAYS enjoy having them visit!! Although Vanessa isn't a quilter, she never minds hanging out at quilt shops with me. She also loves to shop as do I, and we always have a wonderful time looking for bargains (and we always do).
I also spent time fninishing quilting my two BOM's. I really think they turned out nice. There are some areas where I overquilted and could have followed the panto a little better, but all in all I am proud of my work. The tension was great -- I used serger thread :-) I have one more quilt I am going to load and also use a panto. I want to become better at that and since I "think" I found the tension "sweet spot" on my machine, I am going to take advantage before it messes up again.

I have also made a commitment to finish knitting my current pair of socks. One is already done, and as you can see, I am about 1/4th finished with the other one. If I complete it before the month is out, I plan to start on another one. I do enjoy knitting socks, I can do this while I watch TV and it makes me feel like I am not wasting time.

I have to put the binding on the quilts and then sew them down and I will be all done and can officially start a new quilt :-) Just a question---does anyone ever wash the quilt first prior to binding. I am thinking about adding rick-rack to the white quilt between the quilt and binding, but when I wash it, I don't want the rick-rack to fold up. Just a question---I probably will not add the rack after all.
Hugs! and have a great remainder of the day!
I also spent time fninishing quilting my two BOM's. I really think they turned out nice. There are some areas where I overquilted and could have followed the panto a little better, but all in all I am proud of my work. The tension was great -- I used serger thread :-) I have one more quilt I am going to load and also use a panto. I want to become better at that and since I "think" I found the tension "sweet spot" on my machine, I am going to take advantage before it messes up again.

I have also made a commitment to finish knitting my current pair of socks. One is already done, and as you can see, I am about 1/4th finished with the other one. If I complete it before the month is out, I plan to start on another one. I do enjoy knitting socks, I can do this while I watch TV and it makes me feel like I am not wasting time.

I have to put the binding on the quilts and then sew them down and I will be all done and can officially start a new quilt :-) Just a question---does anyone ever wash the quilt first prior to binding. I am thinking about adding rick-rack to the white quilt between the quilt and binding, but when I wash it, I don't want the rick-rack to fold up. Just a question---I probably will not add the rack after all.
Hugs! and have a great remainder of the day!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What My Stash Currently Looks Like!

I had posted this earlier but since I have responded to a post on Patchwork Times by Judy, I am posting it again. My closet still looks like these pictures, mainly because I am finishing up some quilts and haven't been up there in a "fabric hunt"; also because the fabrics I am going to use for the next quilts I am planning are already in my sewing room/studio. My goal is to keep this closet like this and work on my sewing space. It is so much easier to know what you have and it makes me feel good to open a door to the closet and find organization. Whenever I am a bit overwhelmed with the rest of my house (and life), I go upstairs and just stand in front of this closet and feel instantly more in control :-)!
Good Morning!
I have been lax in posting, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about you. I just haven't had a lot to post about.
I have been busy finishing up quilting a couple of quilts---this time using panto's. They are looking really pretty good---I see some rather crooked lines but I guess that is what makes them "hand guided" and not machine guided. Anyway---as soon as I finish I will post the pictures.
At Guild meeting, the quilt honoring our Guild member, Dorothy was shown to the group. It is really a nice quilt and I was honored to get an opportunity to quilt it. I used micro-stippling around the hearts---they turned out nice.
Each of the Guild members made a heart in purple (purple is our Guild color---the name is Iris Guild) and wrote their name and a little note if they wanted). Dorothy's daughter is a member of our Guild although she lives in LA and belongs to a Guild their. She submitted a heart as well, along with a member from her LA guild. Although Dorothy did not get a chance to enjoy the quilt, the membership decided to present the quilt to her husband. He is also having some health challenges and hopefully will find the quilt some comfort to him.

Well, I have to go and clean---I seem to always be saying that but never getting it done :-( I worked yesterday (12 hours) and I am worn out...but my nephew and his wife are coming to visit next week. I know they would not want me to do anything special, but at the same time I don't want them leaving thinking, "what has happened to Aunt Patricia? Do we need to take her for an evaluation or submit her name for the next episode of "how to clean your house".
Take care and have a wonderful day!
xoxo Hugs!
I have been busy finishing up quilting a couple of quilts---this time using panto's. They are looking really pretty good---I see some rather crooked lines but I guess that is what makes them "hand guided" and not machine guided. Anyway---as soon as I finish I will post the pictures.
At Guild meeting, the quilt honoring our Guild member, Dorothy was shown to the group. It is really a nice quilt and I was honored to get an opportunity to quilt it. I used micro-stippling around the hearts---they turned out nice.
Each of the Guild members made a heart in purple (purple is our Guild color---the name is Iris Guild) and wrote their name and a little note if they wanted). Dorothy's daughter is a member of our Guild although she lives in LA and belongs to a Guild their. She submitted a heart as well, along with a member from her LA guild. Although Dorothy did not get a chance to enjoy the quilt, the membership decided to present the quilt to her husband. He is also having some health challenges and hopefully will find the quilt some comfort to him.

Well, I have to go and clean---I seem to always be saying that but never getting it done :-( I worked yesterday (12 hours) and I am worn out...but my nephew and his wife are coming to visit next week. I know they would not want me to do anything special, but at the same time I don't want them leaving thinking, "what has happened to Aunt Patricia? Do we need to take her for an evaluation or submit her name for the next episode of "how to clean your house".
Take care and have a wonderful day!
xoxo Hugs!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
OMG---Finally finished!
I fought with this thread (Bottom Line) and machine all week-end. Nothing I did seem to work---I changed needles, rethreaded and then rethreaded some more; increased and then decreased tension; sewed slowly and then faster......finally, I went back to my serger thread and it actually hummed with satisfaction. Not one more broken thread, not one more skipped stitch, the front AND back was perfect. Even though I changed thread, because they were both good grey matches, you really can't tell the difference. I am NOT going to waste my money on expensive threads anymore!!!! The ones I have I will use in my DSM for piecing and I am just going to be one of those quilters who commit the ultimate quilting "no no", quilt with serger thread. My girl is unpretentious and doesn't like all that fancy stuff :-) she is like her owner, "down to earth". I am going to square this baby up and then post a picture tomorrow. In cutting loose threads I saw some over-stitching on the back, but you know what, my label will just have to be in the center of the quilt. I DO NOT feel like taking anything out again.
I have two more quilts to put on the frame---with the thread Harriet likes!
xoxo Hugs!
I have two more quilts to put on the frame---with the thread Harriet likes!
xoxo Hugs!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Just Stopped By to Say Hey!
Just wanted to "drop" in---nothing really new going on.
I've been quilting today and as usual "Harriett" became contrary. I decided to use a panto---I am really good at meandering, but really like the look of panto's. I don't understand how I can be going along really great and just stop the machine to go to the potty. I come back, make sure all the threading is okay and start and whammo---eyelashes on the back! I had to take out two rolls---thank goodness because it was eyelashes, it came out easily. I just don't know why this machine is so darn "sensitive"----AND before you say anything, I wasn't using serger thread---I was using the "good stuff". That is probably the problem, had I used my serger thread I wouldn't have had a problem. I have just sewed so much, I really don't want to take it out so I will push on. I'm telling you though, I am going to use serger thread on the next quilt and if I don't have a problem, I will NEVER, EVER use any other thread---no matter what---unless someone GIVES me a bunch of thread---I sure will not buy anymore.
Well, I'm tired from taking out rolls---do you know how difficult that is and then the problem you have with realigning the panto....and it isn't even a gift quilt.
xoxo Weak and tired HUGS!
I've been quilting today and as usual "Harriett" became contrary. I decided to use a panto---I am really good at meandering, but really like the look of panto's. I don't understand how I can be going along really great and just stop the machine to go to the potty. I come back, make sure all the threading is okay and start and whammo---eyelashes on the back! I had to take out two rolls---thank goodness because it was eyelashes, it came out easily. I just don't know why this machine is so darn "sensitive"----AND before you say anything, I wasn't using serger thread---I was using the "good stuff". That is probably the problem, had I used my serger thread I wouldn't have had a problem. I have just sewed so much, I really don't want to take it out so I will push on. I'm telling you though, I am going to use serger thread on the next quilt and if I don't have a problem, I will NEVER, EVER use any other thread---no matter what---unless someone GIVES me a bunch of thread---I sure will not buy anymore.
Well, I'm tired from taking out rolls---do you know how difficult that is and then the problem you have with realigning the panto....and it isn't even a gift quilt.
xoxo Weak and tired HUGS!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My Soap Box---A lengthy Post!
I love blogging and reading others. I often get great information and because I don't "get out much", my bloggers have become my community....never mind I haven't really "met" any one of you (other than Diane or Trish), you are important to me and I am always happy when I get comments. At any rate, I purposely keep my blog entry's kinda neutral--not even posting my picture. Even though I sometimes share personal things, I don't often, one reason is I don't want to get into in-depth conversations---I want to keep it light.
I believe that as long as your thoughts and behaviors don't hurt others, it is okay with me. Once I find out you are unkind, a bigot, insensitive or disrespectful, that is all "she's wrote" for me....so sometimes, I'd rather not know your personal viewpoints.
Now that is what brings me to my "soap box". As you know, quilters are often some of the kindest people I know. They are often so giving and willing to share their expertise or knowledge with you if it helps you make better quilts. There is the occasional "exception to the rule"---you know the type person, but generally quilters are great people.
Having said that, we are also very "opinionated"----just ask the "to pre-wash or not" question. Now me, I try to do the very best I can and I am always open to new ideas. Once I hear them, I dissect them for their relevance in "my" quilting adventure. If it makes sense to me and is relevant to my type of quilting, I will often at least try it once, but if it doesn't work, I move on. Now if you want to keep doing it (whatever it is), that is really okay with me---again, if it doesn't negatively impact me, it really is not my business.
There is a "thread" on one of the on-line groups I belong to concerning using serger thread or thread specifically for longarms. Me, I use serger thread! I have done my own little "unscientific" test, and really I don't see the difference. In fact the thread that came with my Premier looks the most inferior as compared to "serger" specific thread. Although it was love at first site with my Premier, I gotta tell you, the honeymoon period was over rather quickly. I had (have) a lot of problem with tension, but since I started using serger thread, those problems have been less frequent. I still have some LA quilting thread, and I will use it, but since there isn't a LA supply source here, it is more convenient to use what I have ready access to.
One reason a person gave for not using serger thread is it is so inexpensive compared to the traditional LA thread, therefore it is inferior. It has been my experience that cheaper sometimes does mean inferior, but not always. Sometimes companies will add a hefty price to a speciality item, not because it is of better quality, or even because it is different, but just because it has a speciality tag. Often the serger thread is made by the same company and when you look closely, looks the same. LA quilting thread can be as expensive as almost $20, while I can buy a spool of serger thread for about $4-$6. To me, since it works well for me, there really isn't a choice here. But if you choose to buy the more expensive thread I am not going to look at you any differently. What I think is interesting is there is lots of good things said about "Bottom Line" thread---this was originally thread that was to be used in the bobbin! LA quilters are also using embroidery and silk thread now. What if someone had said (as I was told) that the only kind of thread you should use is 100% cotton? These beautifully quilted quilts wouldn't have been around for us to admire.
Now, I think if your machine doesn't like serger thread, or if you are doing a really special quilt or even quilting professionally, it makes sense for you to use the speciality threads, but just because I choose to not do so on quilts I will use, or even gift, doesn't make me a less than quality quilter. I believe in making your decision, you should get as much information as possible to make an informed decision and then go with what is best for you. At this point, the only thread I will not use in my LA is the thread used specifically for hand quilting. It has a type of wax on it to keep it from tangling that could cause problems in the tension guides.
No I don't pre-wash fabric before I make my quilts. I don't because I am first lazy---and I don't really like ironing. I will really wash my hand dyes and if I am using a red or purple batik, I will "sometimes" wash them before I use them. What I usually do is throw a couple of color grabber sheets in the wash when I wash the quilt and so far, I haven't had an "accident". I also don't prewash since I like to use really crisp fabric. It doesn't make sense to me to wash out all the sizing and then spend a fortune on starch or sizing and ruin my iron, putting it back.
I buy my fabric where ever I can find fabric that I think is of good quality and is a affordable costs. I have made beautiful quilts from fabric I bought at a chain fabric store AND even wal-mart. I have gotten some horrible quality fabric from LQS that when I washed the quilt, looked horrible and the Wal-mart fabric held up great! I also see how much people pay for "FEEDSACK" fabric and beautiful quilts made from "vintage" linens (often with poly) and old clothes (quilting green). Why then is there is "snobbery" with using Walmart or Joanne or Hobby Lobby or Hancock fabric.
I also press my seams open; use steam; and only do machine applique :-)
I don't know, I just felt compelled to get up on this box. I have now stepped down! Hope I haven't offended anyone---I feel so fortunate that so many of you choose to come and "see" me regularly, whether you leave comments or not. Just know that if you should see a quilt I have made, and you are so inclined to remark on how lovely it is, it may have been quilted with serger thread :-)
xoxo Hugs!
I believe that as long as your thoughts and behaviors don't hurt others, it is okay with me. Once I find out you are unkind, a bigot, insensitive or disrespectful, that is all "she's wrote" for me....so sometimes, I'd rather not know your personal viewpoints.
Now that is what brings me to my "soap box". As you know, quilters are often some of the kindest people I know. They are often so giving and willing to share their expertise or knowledge with you if it helps you make better quilts. There is the occasional "exception to the rule"---you know the type person, but generally quilters are great people.
Having said that, we are also very "opinionated"----just ask the "to pre-wash or not" question. Now me, I try to do the very best I can and I am always open to new ideas. Once I hear them, I dissect them for their relevance in "my" quilting adventure. If it makes sense to me and is relevant to my type of quilting, I will often at least try it once, but if it doesn't work, I move on. Now if you want to keep doing it (whatever it is), that is really okay with me---again, if it doesn't negatively impact me, it really is not my business.
There is a "thread" on one of the on-line groups I belong to concerning using serger thread or thread specifically for longarms. Me, I use serger thread! I have done my own little "unscientific" test, and really I don't see the difference. In fact the thread that came with my Premier looks the most inferior as compared to "serger" specific thread. Although it was love at first site with my Premier, I gotta tell you, the honeymoon period was over rather quickly. I had (have) a lot of problem with tension, but since I started using serger thread, those problems have been less frequent. I still have some LA quilting thread, and I will use it, but since there isn't a LA supply source here, it is more convenient to use what I have ready access to.
One reason a person gave for not using serger thread is it is so inexpensive compared to the traditional LA thread, therefore it is inferior. It has been my experience that cheaper sometimes does mean inferior, but not always. Sometimes companies will add a hefty price to a speciality item, not because it is of better quality, or even because it is different, but just because it has a speciality tag. Often the serger thread is made by the same company and when you look closely, looks the same. LA quilting thread can be as expensive as almost $20, while I can buy a spool of serger thread for about $4-$6. To me, since it works well for me, there really isn't a choice here. But if you choose to buy the more expensive thread I am not going to look at you any differently. What I think is interesting is there is lots of good things said about "Bottom Line" thread---this was originally thread that was to be used in the bobbin! LA quilters are also using embroidery and silk thread now. What if someone had said (as I was told) that the only kind of thread you should use is 100% cotton? These beautifully quilted quilts wouldn't have been around for us to admire.
Now, I think if your machine doesn't like serger thread, or if you are doing a really special quilt or even quilting professionally, it makes sense for you to use the speciality threads, but just because I choose to not do so on quilts I will use, or even gift, doesn't make me a less than quality quilter. I believe in making your decision, you should get as much information as possible to make an informed decision and then go with what is best for you. At this point, the only thread I will not use in my LA is the thread used specifically for hand quilting. It has a type of wax on it to keep it from tangling that could cause problems in the tension guides.
No I don't pre-wash fabric before I make my quilts. I don't because I am first lazy---and I don't really like ironing. I will really wash my hand dyes and if I am using a red or purple batik, I will "sometimes" wash them before I use them. What I usually do is throw a couple of color grabber sheets in the wash when I wash the quilt and so far, I haven't had an "accident". I also don't prewash since I like to use really crisp fabric. It doesn't make sense to me to wash out all the sizing and then spend a fortune on starch or sizing and ruin my iron, putting it back.
I buy my fabric where ever I can find fabric that I think is of good quality and is a affordable costs. I have made beautiful quilts from fabric I bought at a chain fabric store AND even wal-mart. I have gotten some horrible quality fabric from LQS that when I washed the quilt, looked horrible and the Wal-mart fabric held up great! I also see how much people pay for "FEEDSACK" fabric and beautiful quilts made from "vintage" linens (often with poly) and old clothes (quilting green). Why then is there is "snobbery" with using Walmart or Joanne or Hobby Lobby or Hancock fabric.
I also press my seams open; use steam; and only do machine applique :-)
I don't know, I just felt compelled to get up on this box. I have now stepped down! Hope I haven't offended anyone---I feel so fortunate that so many of you choose to come and "see" me regularly, whether you leave comments or not. Just know that if you should see a quilt I have made, and you are so inclined to remark on how lovely it is, it may have been quilted with serger thread :-)
xoxo Hugs!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What's Been Going On?
I've been pretty busy (as usual) working and trying to get a bit of quilting in. The only thing I haven't been doing is cleaning! I really need to do that. My house isn't as bad as it could be, but it certainly isn't as clean as I normally keep it. It is just at the end of the day I am really tired, or when I have the energy, I'd rather be quilting. It is funny--when I had 5 little kids running around, my house of literally spotless! I use to clean at night while they were sleeping. My husband use to tease me---he got off work at 11:00 at night and he said he could smell the pine sol around the corner. Not so now---maybe I cleaned so much then, I used up all my cleaning hours :-)
This is a picture of the quilt top I have been working on. I just need to add the borders and it will be done. It was a BOM at the LQS and Diane and I purchased finishing kits. I finished the other one with 30's fabrics, this one is the same blocks as that one, but in CW's. It is a much bigger quilt---about queen size while the other one is more a full size quilt. I really like both of them.

After I finish this one I will then quilt them both. I have three quilts that need to be quilted. My goal is do finish as many quilts as I can this year and not buy any fabric unless I absolutely need it to finish a quilt. I am going to try to save all my shopping for the Puducah show in April.
I started another quilt (as a gift) that required over 100 5 inch squares and almost 300 2.5 inch squares. I purchased the 5 inch template for the GO! Cutter (I already had the 2.5 inch one). I was able to cut the squares in no time!!! All the same size---it would have taken me forever had I been doing it by hand----in fact, I probably wouldn't have even made it if I had to cut them out myself!
I have work to do and some cleaning to get in! Take care! and thanks for stopping by~
xoxo Hugs!
This is a picture of the quilt top I have been working on. I just need to add the borders and it will be done. It was a BOM at the LQS and Diane and I purchased finishing kits. I finished the other one with 30's fabrics, this one is the same blocks as that one, but in CW's. It is a much bigger quilt---about queen size while the other one is more a full size quilt. I really like both of them.

After I finish this one I will then quilt them both. I have three quilts that need to be quilted. My goal is do finish as many quilts as I can this year and not buy any fabric unless I absolutely need it to finish a quilt. I am going to try to save all my shopping for the Puducah show in April.
I started another quilt (as a gift) that required over 100 5 inch squares and almost 300 2.5 inch squares. I purchased the 5 inch template for the GO! Cutter (I already had the 2.5 inch one). I was able to cut the squares in no time!!! All the same size---it would have taken me forever had I been doing it by hand----in fact, I probably wouldn't have even made it if I had to cut them out myself!
I have work to do and some cleaning to get in! Take care! and thanks for stopping by~
xoxo Hugs!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I've been one busy person these days. Work (of course) and then taking care of my sick son. He has flu, not N1H1 but enough to make him feel really bad. Hopefully no one else will get it---he is wearing a mask whenever he comes out of his room. He is feeling better today so I think the worst is over.
As you know from an earlier post, a guild member died. We were in the process of making her a quilt. We are finishing the quilt and will give it to her husband who is also having some serious health problems. I volunteered to quilt it and so I have been working diligently to get it completed. I finished it today, so I will put on the binding. It will be ready for our next meeting on the third Monday. I'll take a picture and post it then,.
I also took a little time and went to an antique quilt show in a town not too far from here. They had some very old quilts there, some very well preserved. It's strange, but my favorites were the "utility" quilts which of course were the ones in poor repair. I took several pictures and will post them later.
Well, just wanted to check in. I will put the binding on the guild quilt tomorrow and then get back to my own quilts. Have a great evening! Hugs!
As you know from an earlier post, a guild member died. We were in the process of making her a quilt. We are finishing the quilt and will give it to her husband who is also having some serious health problems. I volunteered to quilt it and so I have been working diligently to get it completed. I finished it today, so I will put on the binding. It will be ready for our next meeting on the third Monday. I'll take a picture and post it then,.
I also took a little time and went to an antique quilt show in a town not too far from here. They had some very old quilts there, some very well preserved. It's strange, but my favorites were the "utility" quilts which of course were the ones in poor repair. I took several pictures and will post them later.
Well, just wanted to check in. I will put the binding on the guild quilt tomorrow and then get back to my own quilts. Have a great evening! Hugs!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Where Is that Fabric?
I work up this morning with a horrible headache---I got up, opened some windows and made coffee and it got better (take something for it---NEVER--remember I am a nurse--smile).
Anyway, it got better, didn't really go away, but was a dull ache now instead of a bass drum in my head. As we all do, I started playing with quilting ideas. I am in the "Nine-Patch A-Day" group, but really wanted to do something different with my blocks, so I started playing around with EQ6. I came up with a acceptable quilt (I am sure someone has already done it)--and then started thinking about fabric. This led to a search for this one piece of fabric that I thought would be great for a border. Couldn't find it anywhere---I find it amazing that often no matter how much fabric we have, we ususually know those pieces that we especially liked, no matter how long ago we bought it.
My search led me upstairs to what is now my husband's office, but what was once my quilting studio (before I took over the dinning room). My quilting stuff is still stored up there, and one closet is dedicated to fabric. In trying to find the fabric, this is what I did----

So I then had to clean it up---

Even with every single piece of fabric on the floor and rearranged, I couldn't find the piece I was looking for in the first place.
Guess where it was----in my quilting room downstairs!
Oh well, I did succeed in straightening up that closet. Now mind you, I have fabric also in my quilting room, in one of the closets in a bedroom, and in the linen closet upstairs---but those areas aren't in a mess, and don't hold as much fabric as this closet does. In the process I ended up with a bag of scraps, some batting scraps and a belt I had been searching for for over a year (it doesn't even fit anymore---smile!)

I am now hot and sweaty, my headache is much better, and I have accomplished something great---so I CAN quilt the remainder of the day! I know there are oddles of discussions about the state of fabric closets, but just seeing the "before" and "after" pictures "makes my day"!
Anyway, it got better, didn't really go away, but was a dull ache now instead of a bass drum in my head. As we all do, I started playing with quilting ideas. I am in the "Nine-Patch A-Day" group, but really wanted to do something different with my blocks, so I started playing around with EQ6. I came up with a acceptable quilt (I am sure someone has already done it)--and then started thinking about fabric. This led to a search for this one piece of fabric that I thought would be great for a border. Couldn't find it anywhere---I find it amazing that often no matter how much fabric we have, we ususually know those pieces that we especially liked, no matter how long ago we bought it.
My search led me upstairs to what is now my husband's office, but what was once my quilting studio (before I took over the dinning room). My quilting stuff is still stored up there, and one closet is dedicated to fabric. In trying to find the fabric, this is what I did----

So I then had to clean it up---

Even with every single piece of fabric on the floor and rearranged, I couldn't find the piece I was looking for in the first place.
Guess where it was----in my quilting room downstairs!
Oh well, I did succeed in straightening up that closet. Now mind you, I have fabric also in my quilting room, in one of the closets in a bedroom, and in the linen closet upstairs---but those areas aren't in a mess, and don't hold as much fabric as this closet does. In the process I ended up with a bag of scraps, some batting scraps and a belt I had been searching for for over a year (it doesn't even fit anymore---smile!)

I am now hot and sweaty, my headache is much better, and I have accomplished something great---so I CAN quilt the remainder of the day! I know there are oddles of discussions about the state of fabric closets, but just seeing the "before" and "after" pictures "makes my day"!
Friday, September 4, 2009
A Productive Day!
I worked at home this morning and got a lot accomplished. I always seem to do a lot better at home when I have to do "computer" work. When I am in my office there is always so many interruptions. I am so glad I am able to work in an environment that helps me to be productive.
Anyway, once I finished, I "allowed" myself a fast trip to Joanne's. I went with the intention of only getting batting (warm and natural, queen size for 9.99). I was really good! I bought 6 packs---3 of warm and natural and 3 of the warm/bright---a poly); I also got some minkie (on sale for $3.00 a yard) to back a couple of baby blankets and a tool I needed to cut some stencils. All in all a good day! I am really trying hard to not buy any new fabric unless I absolutely need it---I am not stashbushing per se, but being a little more selective. I have some great fabrics in my stash and it makes no sense to buy more unless I really want or "need" it. I have accumulated quite a lot of hand dyes as well, so this winter I will spend making some of those into quilts.
I worked on a finishing my other BOM. The picture looks like I have a lot of wrinkles in it---the flash captures everything, but it really doesn't look that wrinkled (stretched out) in person. I have a tendency to have a heavy hand and iron rather than press---but those places will "quilt out".

This is of my "art" quilt. The large blank space will hold a tree. I can't decide whether to discharge it in or applique it on. I also think I might add another color. Can't decide---so for now it is on my design wall and I look at it as I sew. It is speaking to me "slowly". I am also toying with hand quilting it---it is pretty small, but again, I am just "thinking" about it.

Tomorrow I will clean a bit and then sew some more. I am still removing the quilting in the quilt I messed up. I see lots of beautiful freehand, but for me, I think I will stick to the meandering and the panto's. No freehand for me unless it is a little quilt. Have a great week-end!
Anyway, once I finished, I "allowed" myself a fast trip to Joanne's. I went with the intention of only getting batting (warm and natural, queen size for 9.99). I was really good! I bought 6 packs---3 of warm and natural and 3 of the warm/bright---a poly); I also got some minkie (on sale for $3.00 a yard) to back a couple of baby blankets and a tool I needed to cut some stencils. All in all a good day! I am really trying hard to not buy any new fabric unless I absolutely need it---I am not stashbushing per se, but being a little more selective. I have some great fabrics in my stash and it makes no sense to buy more unless I really want or "need" it. I have accumulated quite a lot of hand dyes as well, so this winter I will spend making some of those into quilts.
I worked on a finishing my other BOM. The picture looks like I have a lot of wrinkles in it---the flash captures everything, but it really doesn't look that wrinkled (stretched out) in person. I have a tendency to have a heavy hand and iron rather than press---but those places will "quilt out".

This is of my "art" quilt. The large blank space will hold a tree. I can't decide whether to discharge it in or applique it on. I also think I might add another color. Can't decide---so for now it is on my design wall and I look at it as I sew. It is speaking to me "slowly". I am also toying with hand quilting it---it is pretty small, but again, I am just "thinking" about it.

Tomorrow I will clean a bit and then sew some more. I am still removing the quilting in the quilt I messed up. I see lots of beautiful freehand, but for me, I think I will stick to the meandering and the panto's. No freehand for me unless it is a little quilt. Have a great week-end!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I can't believe that the week is almost gone! Wow--time does pass. I've been busy working on some of my UFO's--
1. I finished up all the blocks to the Bonnie Hunter mystery in Quiltmaker magazine. I am waiting for the next issue to put it together.
2. I worked started on the next BOM finishing kit--This one is civil war's and although it isn't really my favorite--I really like these fabrics.
3. I shopped my stash for fabrics for my Guild mystery. I am proud because I will not have to buy one fabric! not even backing!
4. I also worked on another UFO--Butler and Miller fabrics. Really bright and modern!
As soon as I get one in a position for pictures---I'll take some.
Well, just wanted to stop by and say hey!
1. I finished up all the blocks to the Bonnie Hunter mystery in Quiltmaker magazine. I am waiting for the next issue to put it together.
2. I worked started on the next BOM finishing kit--This one is civil war's and although it isn't really my favorite--I really like these fabrics.
3. I shopped my stash for fabrics for my Guild mystery. I am proud because I will not have to buy one fabric! not even backing!
4. I also worked on another UFO--Butler and Miller fabrics. Really bright and modern!
As soon as I get one in a position for pictures---I'll take some.
Well, just wanted to stop by and say hey!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Sad Day!
I so looked forward to yesterday! I always love learning new things and this class promised that. I went to the class and was literally bowled over! A member of our Guild, Dorothy, had received a horrible medical diagnosis. We as a Guild decided to make her a quilt---a heart quilt---to cover her with our love as she went through treatment. She had a wonderful positive outlook on life---was retired but still very busy. Loved her family, her Guild, the Zoo and the Predators (a hockey team in Nashville). As a nurse, I can't tell you how important positive outlooks are and the energy that results. As a result, I too was very positive and refused to allow negativity to exist for very long, feeling I was going to stimulate as much positive energy as possible. Anyway, when I got to the class, we were talking about the quilt and someone mentioned putting the quilt in her casket. I of course said, "NO, she isn't dead yet, lets not think that way"----well, I was wrong---she had died suddenly and although my friends had notified me by e-mail, in my rush to get ready for the class I hadn't read it. It was as if the wind had been knocked out of me---I don't know why I reacted so, since although we were Guild sisters, there are other members I am more closely aligned----the only thing I can think of is I was so very focused on being positive. I admired Dorothy's energy and cheerfulness, and so felt what her daughter's and son must have been going through. As a nurse, I certainly have had a front seat to human tragedy---more than I would like to remember, but I guess I don't handle it as well as I think...particularly when there is a personal relationship. I got home and listened to the services for Sen. Kennedy---I don't talk much about my political views--simply because I don't always like what they generate, but lets just say, Sen. Kennedy and I shared more than a few viewpoints. I however looked at his family and from personal experiences (including what I had just had with Dorothy), felt so sad!
I woke up today with a migraine and know that the sun will rise and another day will begin. I hope I will be able to incorporate some of Dorothy's positive energy and some of Sen. Kennedy's push for fairness and be a better person.
Nothing about quilting----but something I had to say!
Have a great day! Hugs!
I woke up today with a migraine and know that the sun will rise and another day will begin. I hope I will be able to incorporate some of Dorothy's positive energy and some of Sen. Kennedy's push for fairness and be a better person.
Nothing about quilting----but something I had to say!
Have a great day! Hugs!
Friday, August 28, 2009
It's Been A While!
I can't believe it has been over a week since I last posted! I have been really, really, REALLY busy, but I think things are going to settle down a bit. Tomorrow my Guild is having a class and I will be there all day. I am really looking forward to that--it is always so nice to get together with friends and sew a bit. I remembered too late that I am suppose to bring a dessert so this time it will have to be "store bought"! I'll stop at a bakery on my way to class and see what strikes my fancy.
I finished a quilt today. Last year I participated in a "buck block", the block kits were $1.00. I did it in both 30's and civil war prints. I really liked the finishing kits so although I had never purchased a kit before, I bought one for each (the center of each star is the "buck block"). I have been working on the 30's kit for a week so I finished it today. I really like the border I did. The quilt is scrappy and the border finishes it off---at least I think so. I think I will call it "Everything but the Kitchen Sink".

This the quilt without borders. As is, it is a "girly quilt" don't you think?

This is the quilt with the borders added (the quilt is folded in half). Now it doesn't look so "girly". I really like the borders! and the "unexpected" scrappiness.
I also did some dyeing---some greys, cobalt blue (wet, it looks sort of like blue jeans) and some layered dyeing. I really have quite a stash and really think this might be my last dyeing of the season. I don't want to stock pile a lot of fabric, but will use some of it before I dye more.
That is about all for today! Hopefully, I will have pictures to post of our class tomorrow!
I finished a quilt today. Last year I participated in a "buck block", the block kits were $1.00. I did it in both 30's and civil war prints. I really liked the finishing kits so although I had never purchased a kit before, I bought one for each (the center of each star is the "buck block"). I have been working on the 30's kit for a week so I finished it today. I really like the border I did. The quilt is scrappy and the border finishes it off---at least I think so. I think I will call it "Everything but the Kitchen Sink".

This the quilt without borders. As is, it is a "girly quilt" don't you think?

This is the quilt with the borders added (the quilt is folded in half). Now it doesn't look so "girly". I really like the borders! and the "unexpected" scrappiness.
I also did some dyeing---some greys, cobalt blue (wet, it looks sort of like blue jeans) and some layered dyeing. I really have quite a stash and really think this might be my last dyeing of the season. I don't want to stock pile a lot of fabric, but will use some of it before I dye more.
That is about all for today! Hopefully, I will have pictures to post of our class tomorrow!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Just Checking In!
School has started, at least for faculty, and I have been very busy!!! Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. I am going to try something new this year---podcast my lectures. Hope it works---:-) My DH purchased me a digital voice recorder so we'll see.
Quilt wise, I have decided to really try to finish up some of these UFO's before I start something new. As a result, I am working on several quilts at the same time----my Depression block (I have 9 blocks out of 56 done). This quilt is a little slow in coming together since it is all half-triangles (16 per block for a total of 896 for the entire quilt). As I write this, I don't think this will be finished BEFORE I start a project---maybe a more realistic goal should be to work on it weekly if not daily.
I am also working on the 9-patch a day; and a art quilt made up of my handdyes. Oh yea, I am also working on the Bonnie Hunter Mystery. Well after re-reading this, I can in fact start another project since everything I am working on (except the art quilt) is BOM-like. When I finish this post, I guess I will go up to my "closet" and get a kit down (I have two). I already have the blocks made so all I need to do is put it together!!!! Actually, this would qualify as a UFO (right) so I am keeping to my plan :-)
If the weather holds (it has been raining), I am going to discharge and do a little dyeing this week-end. I also have to review my lectures and edit my syllabus. Well, looks like I am going to be pretty busy, since I am also scheduled to work on Saturday---WHEW--I am tired already.
Hugs and have a great remainder of the day/night! xoxo
Quilt wise, I have decided to really try to finish up some of these UFO's before I start something new. As a result, I am working on several quilts at the same time----my Depression block (I have 9 blocks out of 56 done). This quilt is a little slow in coming together since it is all half-triangles (16 per block for a total of 896 for the entire quilt). As I write this, I don't think this will be finished BEFORE I start a project---maybe a more realistic goal should be to work on it weekly if not daily.
I am also working on the 9-patch a day; and a art quilt made up of my handdyes. Oh yea, I am also working on the Bonnie Hunter Mystery. Well after re-reading this, I can in fact start another project since everything I am working on (except the art quilt) is BOM-like. When I finish this post, I guess I will go up to my "closet" and get a kit down (I have two). I already have the blocks made so all I need to do is put it together!!!! Actually, this would qualify as a UFO (right) so I am keeping to my plan :-)
If the weather holds (it has been raining), I am going to discharge and do a little dyeing this week-end. I also have to review my lectures and edit my syllabus. Well, looks like I am going to be pretty busy, since I am also scheduled to work on Saturday---WHEW--I am tired already.
Hugs and have a great remainder of the day/night! xoxo
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Truly Finished Finished Product

The picture is a bit off because it is at night and taken by lamp light. I am now doing what I hate most about quilting---binding! Since I really don't like sewing on binding, I have decided to put it on and sew it down as soon as I am finished quilting a quilt (I also finished 2 baby quilts--but the binding is already on one, I just need to hand stitch it down and then move on to the next one). The binding is chocolate polka dots---I really think it adds to the quilt.
This quilt was made with about 4 charm packs. I don't remember the names of them, they were purchased in Puducah doing at least 2 quilt shows. As I remember, a couple of them were only $3 so I purchased several.
I didn't show the backing, but it is old fashioned ticking. All in all, I like this quilt---as I said it is truly utility. It just seems so spontaneous to me. The quilting is simple meandering--it was too busy for anything else.
Well I have to work tomorrow and I am sleepy. I'm gonna go and iron a uniform and then crawl into bed. Happy dreams!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Busy Day!
I menitoned in an earlier post my challenges with my Longarm. I also mentioned it in a post for one of the groups I belong to, and got a wonderful offer from an experienced longarmer, and a neighbor! She doesn't live in the neighborhood per se, but about 5 minutes away. At any rate, her offer was to come over and give me a little remediation! Of course I accepted!!! She came over yesterday and guess what----I was threading my machine all wrong. Now before you fall over with laughter, mind you, I have been following closely the instructions in the manuels. The problem is I have a Gammill Premier and most of the instructions are geared toward the larger machines. In addition, I sorta improvished in my quest to figure out what was wrong-at any rate, once we got it threaded correctly, she taught me a couple of her "secrets of success", I was on my way. Since her visit I have quilted two baby quilts and am 50% finished with the Nine Patch and haven't had one broken thread!!! I have also found that my machine likes Gutterman serger thread and Coats/Clark in the bobbin. With this combination the stitches on the back look as good as the stitches on the front! I am one "happy camper".
Last night my Anti-clorox stuff came from Dhrama and in addition, I went to the pet store and got the chlorine removal. I "practiced" discharging with some stencils and some stamps. The black Kona discharged really well---the result is almost metallic in color -- I really like it. I also had some dark green that looked like Kona, but clearly wasn't---it didn't discharge at all! Tomorrow or this week-end, I will dye more and discharge some more. I used dishwasher gel as my "discharge" and it worked great. Hopefully the "anti" stuff worked---there really is no way to tell. I really liked working with the stencils best but I have a lot of stamps so hopefully I will get better with practice.

(I don't know why the pictures are turned this way but hopefully you get the idea---the first picture are stencils, the second are stamps.
Now to answer some questions: Zlaty, my mystery quilt will be very scrappy---I am only using one type of fabric consistenly---a red. The other colors (in different fabrics and hues) are black, beige/cream, green and gold. I got the magazine and am now putting the blocks together and I am liking my combination. I love scrappy quilts---in fact in all the years I have been quilting I have only made 2 planned color quilts.
My Disappearing Nine Patch is also very, very scrappy! It is truly a "utility" quilt, the back is old fashioned ticking. I was a little worried about quilting through the back since it has a very "stiff" hand, like polished cotton, but it is quilting pretty good! This is a picture of it on the frame. When I finish I will post a better

Last night my Anti-clorox stuff came from Dhrama and in addition, I went to the pet store and got the chlorine removal. I "practiced" discharging with some stencils and some stamps. The black Kona discharged really well---the result is almost metallic in color -- I really like it. I also had some dark green that looked like Kona, but clearly wasn't---it didn't discharge at all! Tomorrow or this week-end, I will dye more and discharge some more. I used dishwasher gel as my "discharge" and it worked great. Hopefully the "anti" stuff worked---there really is no way to tell. I really liked working with the stencils best but I have a lot of stamps so hopefully I will get better with practice.

(I don't know why the pictures are turned this way but hopefully you get the idea---the first picture are stencils, the second are stamps.
Now to answer some questions: Zlaty, my mystery quilt will be very scrappy---I am only using one type of fabric consistenly---a red. The other colors (in different fabrics and hues) are black, beige/cream, green and gold. I got the magazine and am now putting the blocks together and I am liking my combination. I love scrappy quilts---in fact in all the years I have been quilting I have only made 2 planned color quilts.
My Disappearing Nine Patch is also very, very scrappy! It is truly a "utility" quilt, the back is old fashioned ticking. I was a little worried about quilting through the back since it has a very "stiff" hand, like polished cotton, but it is quilting pretty good! This is a picture of it on the frame. When I finish I will post a better

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
TA DA---Another Finish!!!
I finished the "Disappearing Nine Patch" a couple of minutes ago!!!!!! I also cut out and ironed the binding, so all I need to do is quilt it! I get such a "high" when I have finished a quilt! I did however add another one to the "in progress" list---the Quiltville Mystery in Quiltmaker Mag. but I have finished all of Clue 1 so I am right on time. Although those people who subscribe have already gotten the magazine, it still wasn't out at Joanne's this week-end. I will go by today and see if it is out. If so, then I will complete Clue 2. I just gotta tell you---that girl does like LOTS of blocks. Clue 1 resulted in 188 blocks!!!!!!!! I know the quilt will be wonderful, but gosh---good thing a month was provided between clues :-)
I am really proud of myself because I did complete it---of course mine is going to be bigger. I did participate in a Guild Exchange of fabric for it, but I simply can't work with 2 inch squares results in 2 inch blocks---can't do it---so I worked with 2.5 inch squares that resulted in 4 inch blocks---not a lot of difference I know, but to me a tremendous difference. I had to do some conversions but it looks like mine are all consistent in size--so I am more than half way there.
I am now going to tackle cleaning up the house this morning and go back into my sewing room this afternoon. I just really want to sew only---I wish (oh how I wish) I could afford to have someone come and clean my house regularly!!!! But, if I did I wouldn't be able to get as much fabric, so for me it is a valid "trade-off".
Well, gotta go and shower and then tackle my morning! Hugs!
I am really proud of myself because I did complete it---of course mine is going to be bigger. I did participate in a Guild Exchange of fabric for it, but I simply can't work with 2 inch squares results in 2 inch blocks---can't do it---so I worked with 2.5 inch squares that resulted in 4 inch blocks---not a lot of difference I know, but to me a tremendous difference. I had to do some conversions but it looks like mine are all consistent in size--so I am more than half way there.
I am now going to tackle cleaning up the house this morning and go back into my sewing room this afternoon. I just really want to sew only---I wish (oh how I wish) I could afford to have someone come and clean my house regularly!!!! But, if I did I wouldn't be able to get as much fabric, so for me it is a valid "trade-off".
Well, gotta go and shower and then tackle my morning! Hugs!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Just Checking In!
This was a sorta quiet day. I spent the morning catching up on some BOM's and my "Nine Patch A Day". I now have a total of 30 blocks (I have been making two per day). I am not sure how many I should have but my plan is to make at least 140. I haven't figured out how many I will need for the quilt (I will play with EQ after posting).
Thanks Judi for the tip about purchasing Anti-Clorox stuff at the pet store or Walmart. Our Wally World doesn't have a "fish" department, but the pet store sure does. Tomorrow I will check it out. Isn't it amazing where you can find "stuff" we use for our fiber "art" at places other than LQS's. I don't know if any of you have a Harbor Freight near you, but if you do, take a stroll through there. The smell is yuk (smells like rubber tires), but I have found some great things there---I went Saturday and found some wonderful clamps that I will use in dyeing. They also have a nice digital scale for under $15 if you dye by weighting your fabric (I don't); they also had those gadgets that you can use to hold your rulers (a handle that attaches with a suction cup). I saw them at AQS for several dollars (I don't remember the cost exactly), but I got them at the Harbor for $.99 for the small one (they are orange, not the pretty pastel color, but I love orange). Those handle things that they sell to carry your plastic bags with were also $.99. Just wander down the aisle, you'd be surprised what you might find.
Have a great evening! Hugs!
Thanks Judi for the tip about purchasing Anti-Clorox stuff at the pet store or Walmart. Our Wally World doesn't have a "fish" department, but the pet store sure does. Tomorrow I will check it out. Isn't it amazing where you can find "stuff" we use for our fiber "art" at places other than LQS's. I don't know if any of you have a Harbor Freight near you, but if you do, take a stroll through there. The smell is yuk (smells like rubber tires), but I have found some great things there---I went Saturday and found some wonderful clamps that I will use in dyeing. They also have a nice digital scale for under $15 if you dye by weighting your fabric (I don't); they also had those gadgets that you can use to hold your rulers (a handle that attaches with a suction cup). I saw them at AQS for several dollars (I don't remember the cost exactly), but I got them at the Harbor for $.99 for the small one (they are orange, not the pretty pastel color, but I love orange). Those handle things that they sell to carry your plastic bags with were also $.99. Just wander down the aisle, you'd be surprised what you might find.
Have a great evening! Hugs!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Busy Saturday!

This week-end is tax-free shopping here so me, my DH and our GS went school shopping. The sales tax here is almost 10% so it was worth fighting the crowds. What was different however was there wasn't a lot of things in the stores. My GS wears uniforms to school and at each store there was no more than 2 of his sizes in the pants he wears. We had to go to three stores in order to get him 5 pair of pants. I was so tired I didn't even stop at Joanne's---I'll have to do that tomorrow. I need to pick up a magazine and see if they have some quilters cotton.
Above are the pictures of my fabs from yesterdays dyeing session. I also did some "artsy" ones, but they weren't all that great. I will use those to experiment in overdyeing. I have a order coming from Dhrama so I will not do anything else until then. I plan to do some discharging---that sounds interesting. I did it once, but didn't read about the stuff to STOP the discharge. I made this great dress and wore it once. I hung it up and when I took it down to wear again, it was literally in shreds. This time I ordered some discharge stop stuff---so we'll see how it goes. Then after that group, I think I will be done for the year. I now have a three drawn storage unit full!
Well, I have to take out my quilting from my quilt. As I removed the quilting, I think I will quilt it in a solid color----maybe yellow or a soft orange. I think the variegated thread is all wrong, even though the quilt blocks are very colorful. If I hadn't put on the black border it might work, but I think a solid color is better. The color I quilt with will depend on what I get for the backing. Maybe I can find a orange or yellow polka-dot---you know the really large dots. I'll look for it tomorrow.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Questions Answered!
I forgot to answer the questions Zarina and Zlaty asked----
1) I use Procion MX dye. You can order it from either Pro Chem or Dhrama (I have ordered from both). It is relatively easy to use.
2) I started out rinsing my fabric under the faucet, but that really uses a lot of water. What I do is do a light rinse under the faucet and then let it set in cold water for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. I then change that water and let it set in hot water for the same amount of time, change the water and let it set for another 45 minutes. I then wash it in the washer in hot water with synthrapol.
I am glad my novice attempts help others. I love both dyeing and sharing my "lessons".
Hugs (again)!
1) I use Procion MX dye. You can order it from either Pro Chem or Dhrama (I have ordered from both). It is relatively easy to use.
2) I started out rinsing my fabric under the faucet, but that really uses a lot of water. What I do is do a light rinse under the faucet and then let it set in cold water for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. I then change that water and let it set in hot water for the same amount of time, change the water and let it set for another 45 minutes. I then wash it in the washer in hot water with synthrapol.
I am glad my novice attempts help others. I love both dyeing and sharing my "lessons".
Hugs (again)!
More Dyeing!
I did more dyeing today! I am becoming a bit obsessed :-) but I do love to see the beautiful colors! I washed out my colors from yesterday and was I surprised!!! This time I decided to use some clamps in holding the fabric together before I put it into the dye bath. These were just really small clamps and barely held the fat quarter together. I got some great fabrics!! I really am not an "art" quilter, but I honestly could actually see these fabrics in a small art piece. They are much too pretty to cut up and I really do believe if I did I would probably ruin them. I am going to just put them aside and decide what to do. I also did some browns and grey/brown. These really do look like batiks! I am not sure what I did to make them that way. I do really crunch them up in the container---it could also be the dye as well, grey may be "heavier"?.
Today I did some greens, purple and just plain grey. I used some clamps on a couple of these so I will see. These will be my "art" group.
I also had some not so good experience. As I might have mentioned, I have a Gammill Premier Longarm. I started quilting my 2-b-Square quilt and first the top thread kept breaking, then when I solved that, it started skipping stitches. I got out my book and read that if the fabric has paint on it, it might cause skipped stitches. The fabric that I used on the back was a batik with gold paint so I thought that was it. The quilt has black border and I was freehanding a swirly in variegated thread. I didn't really like the look and with all the skipped stitches, I decided to stop and take out what I had put in. I really get so tired of adjusting this machine. If I hadn't invested so much money in it I would get another. I want to just load my quilts and sew, it seems that it doesn't matter how good of a stitch I have in the previous quilt, it is NEVER that way with subsequent ones----I have to adjust, even if I use the exact same thread! I know, the "learning curve" is steep---the problem is no one tells you that when you purchase it and the nearest dealer is in Mississippi so I am sorta on my own. Okay, I feel better, thanks for allowing me to vent :-)!
Now, let's move on to something that I had some success in doing. Following are pictures of my fabric---what do you think?
Grey/brown--clamped and rolled--

This was clamped and rolled and I dropped a drop (literally) of yellow on it-----

Grey/brown clamped--

From brown--clamped and rolled---

Blue gradient--

I don't know why this one turned this way, but I hope you get the idea. These are grey/brown--

These are my browns--

Thanks for "dropping by"! Have a wonderful evening! We'll "talk" tomorrow!
Today I did some greens, purple and just plain grey. I used some clamps on a couple of these so I will see. These will be my "art" group.
I also had some not so good experience. As I might have mentioned, I have a Gammill Premier Longarm. I started quilting my 2-b-Square quilt and first the top thread kept breaking, then when I solved that, it started skipping stitches. I got out my book and read that if the fabric has paint on it, it might cause skipped stitches. The fabric that I used on the back was a batik with gold paint so I thought that was it. The quilt has black border and I was freehanding a swirly in variegated thread. I didn't really like the look and with all the skipped stitches, I decided to stop and take out what I had put in. I really get so tired of adjusting this machine. If I hadn't invested so much money in it I would get another. I want to just load my quilts and sew, it seems that it doesn't matter how good of a stitch I have in the previous quilt, it is NEVER that way with subsequent ones----I have to adjust, even if I use the exact same thread! I know, the "learning curve" is steep---the problem is no one tells you that when you purchase it and the nearest dealer is in Mississippi so I am sorta on my own. Okay, I feel better, thanks for allowing me to vent :-)!
Now, let's move on to something that I had some success in doing. Following are pictures of my fabric---what do you think?
Grey/brown--clamped and rolled--

This was clamped and rolled and I dropped a drop (literally) of yellow on it-----

Grey/brown clamped--

From brown--clamped and rolled---

Blue gradient--

I don't know why this one turned this way, but I hope you get the idea. These are grey/brown--

These are my browns--

Thanks for "dropping by"! Have a wonderful evening! We'll "talk" tomorrow!
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