On a quilty subject, I was looking over the list of quilts I have finished this year and I have been pretty productive. 17 quilts, not counting the one that I only put a binding on---and these are really finished----quilted and bound (although Asian Indigo is still being quilted). Since I have joined Judy's UFO Challenge, I should complete at least 12 next year! Pretty good huh!
Now for some New Year's Resolutions!
My quilty one is to straighten up my sewing room (studio) by:
Well, everything sounds doable. Hopefully this will be accomplished, along with my UFO's.
Hugs and I'll keep you posted on the progress of the bread!
I honestly can't think of 12 UFO's, so I am adding 3 quilts that I have been wanting to make and haven't yet:
I have one quilt that is a 10 year UFO---but I honestly am not sure I even want to finish it. I don't have the directions anymore----so I am going to think about that one. I guess I am setting myself up for a success by not adding it, since I don't even like it anymore. Hope that isn't cheating---I might add it later.
Well here is my list----let's hope I am not only successful in completing the list, but that I can link. Click on the badge on the right and see what you need to do to join! Please do---it will be fun!
This is all I can think of right now. There is one other one but it is so old---about 7 years old and at this time, I am not even sure if I want to really finish it, plus I lost the directions so......... As you can see I haven't named the quilts yet so the names are descriptive only, hence string quilt that is made as a tube.
Let's see how I do. It sounds like fun though, but that quilt I started 7 years ago sounded like fun too.
Since I finished a UFO, I now get the start on a "new" quilt. I already have several already cut out, so I just need to look through them and choice. Actually, I think I will start on a quilt for my nephew. I plan to give the "Mystery Quilt" to his daughter, I have already given one to his wife, so I think he is due. Diane sent me some really nice homespun, so I think I will use those. I may have to buy a few more, but I think homespun make really nice "masculine" quilts.
Well, that's all for now. I will try to take a picture of "Mystery" tomorrow. Pleasant dreams!!!
Just wanted to check in-----I will keep you posted on the progress of the quilts. Have a great evening!